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Old 04-13-2010, 11:24 PM
hoboslobobabe hoboslobobabe is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 18
hoboslobobabe is on a distinguished road

[TUTORIAL] how to simply use rtmpsrv and example

Now, I'm not a pro on this, I'll try it with an example, and try to start with the basics in case you're not familiar with urlsnooper and rtmpdump.

Apparently you must have downloaded and installed/extracted both softwares.
On a side note, I have to mention that with the most recent version of rtmpdump this is not working for me, as it tells me there is file missing.
So in my example I am using a version prior to 2.2, I use 2.1c.

Say, you're a friend of the "daily show with Jon Stewart" and you would like to download it from comedy central.

>Open Urlsnooper
> choose the tab "search"
>choose "sniff network"
> protocol filter "multimedia files"

>load the website, make sure you have an empty cache

private browsing in Firefox mode is pretty convenient for this.
In case the video isn't online anymore at some point just choose another daily show episode, it should work as well too.

now the website is loading and if you followed the above steps urlsnooper should be catching a lot of adresses now.
This is a quick process.
Just go to “file” and choose “save All Urls to a file”, you will need several urls later on.

Look for the host.
The host address is the crucial part when you use rtmpsrv.exe, it can’t work without the host address.
In this case that is

You have to copy this line from one of the urls you just copied to a text file.
Keep in mind this is the host of comedy central, other networks have other hosts of course. They do look somewhat similar.
Now you have to open a file that is on your computer, it is part of your windows system.
It's a ansi-file, that consists of a readme text and one commandline : localhost
In most cases you will be able to open this file by applying the run command:

Make sure to save copy of the original hosts-file before you go on!
After getting the .bat file that you want use with rtmpdump.exe you must change the hosts file to its original state!

Now that you have opened the hosts-file that's part of your system,
exchange the command localhost with (in this case)
It will now look like this:

>Save the file.

Before you can go to the final step of rtmpsrv.exe you should do one thing for your own convinience: Make a .bat file for when you want to use rtmpsrv.exe.
It’s simple.
>Open the editor
>paste rtmpsrv >rtmpdump.txt
>save it as rtmpsrv.bat in the same folder where your rtmpsrv.exe is.
Now when you want to start rtmpsrv you don’t click on rtmpsrv.exe but on rtmpsrv.bat instead.
Now when you start rtmpsrv.bat rtmpsrv.exe will start and it will create a new txt-file in the folder and write your desired command.
You can then just rename this txt.file as xyz.bat.

>Start rtmpsrv.bat
>Reload the website of the video

If you've done everything right, the video will not start now, but instead the commandline of rtmpsrv.exe will give you the exact command that can be used to download the video with rtmpdump.exe.
A new txt file should have been created that consists of the command that can be used with rtmpdump.exe to download the video.
Just rename this file as mentioned aboved to xyz.bat (<example).
Then change the hosts-file to its original state : localhost

Now, the video in my example consits of several parts, several qualities and there is a trailer in advance.
If you choose a video that only consists of one part and one quality you can skip this step and continue at Finally:.

If your video as in this case has severaly options however follow this:
If you just started the download now by starting xyz.bat you would only be downloading the part of the video that starts at the very beginning which is only a trailer.
The solution to this problem is simple.
In the command rtmpsrv.exe gave you it says:

Go back to the urls that you copied drom Urlsnooper and have a look at the rtmpe-files.
You will see 4 different a ”acts” (=parts) in different qualties.
Choose the 4 parts you want in the particular quality you want.
You dont need the whole line from rtmpe... but instead cut out the part from
mtvorigin up to .mp4
Paste this line where the wrong video address is, keep the mp4: part in the beginning.

For each part you need the same line of command, that rtmpsrv gave you.
It just gave you the wrong video, just exchange this video with the parts you want:
It will look like this:

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,45,2" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/dailyshow/TDS/season_15/episode_043/ds_15043_act2_768x432_1720.mp4" -o output.flv

Before it looked like this, I highlighted the difference:

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,45,2" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/fulleppromos/sp_200th_640x480_600.mp4" -o output.flv

Remember, you have to make this change for all 4 parts of the video to download the whole episode, so basically you write a little script.

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,45,2" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/dailyshow/TDS/season_15/episode_043/ds_15043_act1_768x432_1720.mp4" -o output.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,45,2" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/dailyshow/TDS/season_15/episode_043/ds_15043_act2_768x432_1720.mp4" -o output.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,45,2" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/dailyshow/TDS/season_15/episode_043/ds_15043_act3_768x432_1720.mp4" -o output.flv

rtmpdump -r "rtmpe://" -a "ondemand?ovpfv=1.1" -f "WIN 10,0,45,2" -W "" -t "rtmpe://" -p "" -C Z: -y "mp4:mtvnorigin/gsp.comedystor/com/dailyshow/TDS/season_15/episode_043/ds_15043_act4_768x432_1720.mp4" -o output.flv

Now save this file as xyz.bat and save it in the same folder as your rtmpdump.exe is.

Finally: Start xyz.bat and your download will start.

Let me know if you find any mistakes, as I said, I aint a pro, and it’s pretty early in the morning (CET ).

Regards hobo

P.S. For the daily show you could also use a basic script that you can easily adapt.
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