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Old 03-15-2010, 01:15 PM
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Default help capturing RTMP streaming video/audio on Mac OS X


I am having trouble locating simple help and documentation files for capturing RTMP video streams on a Mac.

I've searched through many web-sites and can't find anything specific to RTMP streams.

If anyone can simply point me to simple instructions, I'd appreciate it.

I am running OSX 10.5.8

The webcontent is located @ ""
and can be opened in its own window with the following information at the top:

it appears to be streamed using RTMP protocol inside a separate window, which from my totally ignoramus vantage point I've been led to believe that most simple software programs (like DownloadHelper) can't handle. I get the impression that only VLC and rtmpdump are the ONLY two Mac programs that can handle it. I'd appreciate doing it with VLC because the other one seems to run in unix and, quite frankly, that scares me.. (sorry, i'm getting old).

I've tried a couple of times to capture it, but apparently I am not opening the right windows and checking the right boxes, cause it doesn't work. I get files stored on my hard drive, but when flash player tries to open them all i get is a spinning disk. When VLC Media Player tries to open it nothing happens.

thanks in advance for anyone willing to go down to my level and offer help!
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