I've been trying to figure out how to format a video url from A&E to play in a flash player. The video is stored via brightcove and split into 4 parts. I tried following the same format I used for a discovery channel video, it is also hosted by brightcove, but the format didn't work. Here is the rtmp app and media path that from A&E:
RTMP App: rtmp://brightcove-37.fcod.llnwd.net:1935/a500/d9?videoId=63407906001&lineUpId=63210930001&pubId=1119255093&playerId=53099128001&playerTag=&affiliateId=
Media Path: media/1119255093/1119255093_63479914001_AandE-Paranormal-State-64-Night-Terrors-LF1
Each video part ends in LF- part# ie. LF-1, LF-2...