I hoped that wouldn't be the way, as that is so awkward, anyone know of any
screen capturing software that can record real time at a good size?
Camtasia slows down, and
WM Capture messes up my audio.
I use xvid avi codec, and usually Camtasia to record as i've found it the best quality recorder on the market, but only of course in comparison to the others I've tried, PC spec wise I'm running xp on a 3.2ghz, 256MB Video Card (Nvidia) and 1.5Ghz Ram, Anything say the size of a youtube video gets slow and jumpy, usually I zoom out on the page, record and then resize after. but 4od wont let you zoon out on a page, or at least it does but the video stays the same size.
thanks for all the advice so far, Beginning to think 4od has made the perfect streaming service, which is annoying as they used to have a download feature, until they removed drm for mac and linux users