I am very grateful to you for such a nice website that teaches everyone so many clever tricks that would be otherwise impossible for an individual to learn. All these years I've followed this website and been successful in downloading every type of streaming video. But I don't understand why I am not able to get one simple video. Its an flv streaming file using rtmp protocol. I've tried all tricks and softwares like :
Replay Media Catcher,
FLV Recorder,
URL Snooper, colasoft capsa,
Bit Recorder,
Orbit Downloader (doesn't even sniff the URL) etc. but none is working correctly, I've been wasting time for over a week now. But I've not tried
rtmpdump because I can't figure out how to use it. The URL of the video is :
Atmost the softwares record around 80% of the file but none have been able to record 100%. I request you to kindly take time from your busy schedule and try your experienced hands on this one (kindly register free in a few seconds on that website, if it asks) and let me know by what method you're able to record 100% of the file (the full duration of the file is 22min 57sec). I was at first reluctant to contact you but I got fed up after giving my 100%. I've been able to find this till now but
Orbit Downloader cannot download anything from this url :
rtmp://rajshri-20.fcod.llnwd.net/a1005/d1/secure/tvshows/ramayan/RamayanEp-1_flv_High?s=1246560184&e=1246992184&h=8a21d6acb01 43a6e3b5f226dd63d5bfa
Kindly do help me out because you're my last hope and if you need any help from my side do not hesitate to ask.
Thanks very much