I get a real problematic stream and I have to return to the likes of the great and the good around here for advice!
I never use NPR but recently I wanted some raconteurs stuff and a google search led me to the following page:
A concert of theirs, in full, played in the great NPR media player on the site.
OK I thought, I'll just grab that. Not so easy it seems. I quickly deduced it would be a flash flv file and confirmed this - after much messing about with different software and not getting it- the stupidly simle addition to orbit downloader that grabs videos off pages for you...it found the following URL for me and then proceeded to download the file...
It seemed to work ok and was saving an flv file fine.
But it stopped at about 52Mb and that was as far as it would go. Yet the downloader was still trying to get more. Apparently it wasn't the full complete file but it eventually times out and would DL no more.
I tried playing the file, extracted the fine mp3 stream from the flv container and although its working it has the last half hour of the show just cut off.
I tried DL'ing again and it borked at the same place once more.
Does anyone have any other tried and tested ways for downloading audio streams from NPR?
NOTE: I only want to download directly the stream...what I mean is I never bother with streams if the only way to record them is to record the second hand audio that goes through the PC soundcard as this isn't direct. So...can you help??