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Old 05-04-2009, 12:50 PM
jace89 jace89 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 9
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Flazr - open source RTMP stream saver

i found a new program called flazr
I don't know how to use that. maybe you can help.

it is not a user-friendly software. flazr is more for programmers than for regular users.

Flazr is a Java implementation of the RTMP protocol using the excellent Apache Mina project. I think I was able to come up with a far more concise and readable implementation than what the Red5 project uses - which is not that surprising - because the scope of Red5 is much bigger and Flazr focuses only on the client side. I do feel that Flazr will be useful as an additional reference for those interested in understanding the details of the RTMP protocol.

One of the highlights of Flazr (especially from a Java perspective) is the usage of Groovy for scripting. Groovy allows the end-user to script things such as scraping the HTML from a given URL, parsing it and then invoking the RTMP client routine with the right parameters. All this in a platform-independent manner, without the need to compile anything and using a normal text-editor. I expect Flazr’s Groovy approach to be much easier to use (and arguably more powerful) than the PERL-driven approach that projects like “get_iplayer” and “rtmpdump” use.

Flazr has been designed so that end-users can extend the capabilities far beyond what the core supports - using just some plain-text Groovy scripts. This means that end-users won’t need to depend on the project team (*ahem* just me for now to pitch in and make changes. I’m quite interested to see how this turns out in practice.
flazr v.0.5 doesn't support RTMP h.264 streams.
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