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Old 07-27-2017, 03:00 PM
spacechild spacechild is offline
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rtmpdump issue

Hi everyone! I'm trying to use rtmpdump with the stream of the following url:

I put all the parameters (static+dynamic hash+token), but I always get the error "rtmp server requested close":

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "zmtvliveme/" -y "Q9w5K1u3bU" -W "" -C S:Q9w5K1u3bU -C S:1501179050 -C S:1ab65b4abd551a1f59fadabda09e5e35 -C "S:V>JWhui^@2ESdu0?}>AN" -T "Q!lrB@G1)ww(-dQ4J4" -p "" -o stream.flv
I guess it must be a secure token issue, or maybe some additional parameter that I can't figure out. The old token -T Q!lrB@G1)ww(-dQ4J4 doesn't work anymore (although - from the page regex - it seems to be still the same).

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
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Old 07-27-2017, 08:00 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: rtmpdump issue


stream works with token you just need to update the other conn paramters.One is Unix Time and the other seems to be a MD5 hash.The diffrents you can see if you check the stream datas more than one time after reloading the stream again.If you are quick to add token and execute the stream then you will see its working to play and keep playing.Without token it plays just a few seconds.Now you just need to find the other dynamic paramters you need to update each time or you get again request closed info.

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Old 08-04-2017, 02:53 PM
spacechild spacechild is offline
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Re: rtmpdump issue

Originally Posted by troller12 View Post

stream works with token you just need to update the other conn paramters.One is Unix Time and the other seems to be a MD5 hash.The diffrents you can see if you check the stream datas more than one time after reloading the stream again.If you are quick to add token and execute the stream then you will see its working to play and keep playing.Without token it plays just a few seconds.Now you just need to find the other dynamic paramters you need to update each time or you get again request closed info.

Page regex is pretty strange and complicated, because is made of many random parts to join as a puzzle. This makes impossible to do the whole update job with a pretty decent speed.

My model of regex is the following (based on windows batch script):

curl -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0" -H "Host:" -H "Referer:" "" -d "pid=1" -o currl2.txt
sed -n "/zoomtv.flashCheck.initialiseFlashCheckPage/{=; q;}" currl2.txt > cont.txt
set /p CONT=<cont.txt
set /a CONT2=%CONT%+1
tail -n +%CONT2% currl2.txt > currl3.txt
sed "s/';/;\n/g" currl3.txt > currl6.txt
sed -i "y/\"/#/" currl6.txt
sed -n "/+/{=; q;}" currl6.txt > cont2.txt
set /p CONT3=<cont2.txt
set /a CONT4=%CONT3%-1
head -%CONT4% currl6.txt > currl7.txt
sed "s/'//g" currl7.txt > currl8.txt
sed "s/&/#/g" currl8.txt > currl11.txt
sed "s/%%/_/g" currl11.txt > currl11_2.txt
type currl11_2.txt | cut -d ";" -f 1 > currl12.txt
goto BUILD

tail -n +%CONT3% currl6.txt > currl19_2.txt
sed "s/;/\n/g" currl19_2.txt > currl19.txt
sed -n "/function/{=; q;}" currl19.txt > cont3.txt
set /p CONT5=<cont3.txt
set /a CONT6=%CONT5%-1
head -%CONT6% currl19.txt > currl20.txt
wc -l currl20.txt > numb.txt
sed -r "s/\s+//g" numb.txt > numb2.txt
type numb2.txt | cut -d "c" -f 1 > numb3.txt
set /p TOT=<numb3.txt
set /a EX=%TOT%+1
sed -n 1p currl20.txt > currl21.txt
type currl21.txt | cut -d "=" -f 2 > currl22.txt
type currl22.txt | cut -d "+" -f 1 > currl24.txt
awk "{print substr($0, 0, length($0)-1)}" currl24.txt > sect1.txt
set /p PZ1=<sect1.txt
type currl22.txt | cut -d "+" -f 2 > sect2.txt
set /p PZ2=<sect2.txt
grep "%PZ1%" currl12.txt > sct1_1.txt
type sct1_1.txt | cut -d "=" -f 2 >>sct.txt
grep "%PZ2%" currl12.txt > sct1_1.txt
type sct1_1.txt | cut -d "=" -f 2 >>sct.txt
goto CYCLE1

if "%o%"=="%EX%" goto JOIN
sed -n %o%p currl20.txt > currl21.txt
type currl21.txt | cut -d "=" -f 2 > currl22.txt
type currl22.txt | cut -d "+" -f 2 > sect2.txt
set /p PZ=<sect2.txt
grep "%PZ%" currl12.txt > sct1_1.txt
type sct1_1.txt | cut -d "=" -f 2 >>sct.txt
set /a p=%o%+1
set /a o=%p%
goto CYCLE1

paste -d; -s sct.txt > sct2.txt
sed "s/#/&/g" sct2.txt > sct3.txt
sed "s/_/%%/g" sct3.txt > sct4_1.txt
sed -i "y/#/\"/" sct4_1.txt
sed "s/;//g" sct4_1.txt > sct4.txt
goto GREP

sed "s/zmtvliveme\//#/g" sct4.txt > sct5.txt
type sct5.txt | cut -d "#" -f 2 > sct6.txt
type sct6.txt | cut -d "," -f 1 > sct7.txt
awk "{print substr($0, 0, length($0)-1)}" sct7.txt > sct8.txt 
set /p PLAYPATH=<sct8.txt
sed "s/TRiexl4/#/g" sct4.txt > sct9.txt
type sct9.txt | cut -d "#" -f 2 > sct10.txt
type sct10.txt | cut -d ":" -f 2 > sct11.txt
type sct11.txt | cut -d "," -f 1 > sct12.txt
set /p TIME=<sct12.txt
sed "s/hlUDia0/#/g" sct4.txt > sct13.txt
type sct13.txt | cut -d "#" -f 2 > sct14.txt
type sct14.txt | cut -c 4- > sct15.txt
type sct15.txt | cut -d "," -f 1 > sct16.txt
awk "{print substr($0, 0, length($0)-1)}" sct16.txt > sct17.txt
set /p HASH1=<sct17.txt
type sct13.txt | cut -d "#" -f 3 > sct18.txt
type sct18.txt | cut -c 4- > sct19.txt
type sct19.txt | cut -d "," -f 1 > sct20.txt
awk "{print substr($0, 0, length($0)-1)}" sct20.txt > sct21.txt
set /p HASH2=<sct21.txt
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "zmtvliveme/" -W "" -p "" -C S:%PLAYPATH% -C S:%TIME% -C S:%HASH1% -C S:"V&gt;JWhui^@2ESdu0?}&gt;AN" --live -y "%PLAYPATH%" -T "Q!lrB@G1)ww(-dQ4J4" -o "test.flv"
So it takes about 30 seconds, to join all the random parts and get the required parameters.
In spite of that, I still get the error "rtmp server requested close".

Do you happen to use a faster page regex?

In that case feel free to pm or post it, if you like. It might represent the solution to my issue
Thanks anyway!

Last edited by spacechild : 08-04-2017 at 04:10 PM.
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