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Old 09-29-2015, 04:00 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Librtmp Questions

Hi guys,

just have some question about librtmp.dll and how to use it correctly for own created apps.So in the last days I tried to find infos & examples about it but I got less success.Unfortunately there are no libs for assembly (ASM/MASM) language which I could use so in that case I only can use the librtmp.dll & functions itself using the APIs.Next problem is that I can't find a detailed functions description of all or most APIs so I found just a few (not in that case as you can find on MSDN).Now I startet first to create a very simple test code to see whether its working and I got success if I use the basic way so far.

RTMP_SetupURL "rtmp://"
RTMP_Read  ; till return is 0
WriteFile  ; write data to file
Rtmp link is just a working test link.As I said its working so far to get the video datas and to write them to file.One of the problems now are that the created video is broken and does show wrong lenght of 1 hour and I just wrote some seconds etc so you know this problem.First I thought I did anything wrong but then I tried the same with Rtmpdump and got same results.

So do you know any detailed description source of most librtmp functions + parameters?If yes then it would be nice if you could post any links where I can read it.Do you also know any projects using librtmp NOT as lib and using it as dll?If so then post a link/s then I can debug the files.

On the other hand I have to debug Rtmpdump itself and must find all lib created APIs inside manually by static hex search from librtmp functions to unpacked Rtmpdump code.Of course its possible but a little much work.

Would be nice if you have some helpfully informations all about librtmp / examples etc all what I need to know to create a own streamer code by using librtmp.

PS: One thing I forgot.What API & Paramter I have to use if I want to pipe the stream directly into player?Did tried it yet.

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Old 10-01-2015, 05:03 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: Librtmp Questions

Hi again,

I tried to check RtmpDump and it seems that some APIs are obsolete already so it dosen't use RTMP_SetupURL API for example.So its using RTMP_SetupStream API instead.The problem I have now is that I can't find the code / API where I can set the output to stdout / stdin.Unfortunately isn't also working in debugger if I use arguments like this...
-v -r "rtmp://" -a "live" -y "hks" | "C:\Programme\MPC-HC\mpc-hc.exe -" then the player won't start and I get this....

So can anyone tell me how to pipe the data stream into player or how Rtmpdump does handle it or what I have to write (paramters to set before calling RTMP_X API) etc?Would be nice if you could post any helpfully infos.Thanks.

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