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Old 06-26-2008, 10:53 PM
kidrockiii kidrockiii is offline
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Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie software

Here's one for you guys who know your stuff. And if this already has been answered let me know I'll check out that thread. I have files that are wmv.GGGZ files. They are opened with a program called Pirates Buster for Movie which then directs the decrypted file in real time to WMV player. I have downloaded and worked out the kinks of FairUSe. However, when it asks for a licensed file, I click on my wmv.GGGZ file. I get an error message that states, " This is not a licensed file." Now, I assume that the decryption keys are kept within the pirates buster for movie program, not within the file, and are not accessed until the file is opened with that program specifically. I also tried out a couple other programs mentioned here in this forum, but to no avail. So, the question remains, how do I beat this Pirates Buster for Movie program? Oh, and to make the puzzle a little tougher, assume that I am a technological retard.
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Old 06-27-2008, 02:32 PM
Stream Ripper Stream Ripper is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

Please read the following thread:
How to backup licenses of DRM protected .WMV, .WMA Windows Media files

You can ask your content providers whether they will re-acquire licenses for your new PC.

You can also try to use DRM removal software for Windows Media .WMV files.
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Old 06-27-2008, 05:55 PM
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

I have the same problem. I have a licensed "Pirates Buster" movie that can play, but there seems to be nothing that can remove the protection.

When you play the file, it changes from WMV.GGGZ to .wmv, but FairUse4WM still can't use it, possibly because there's a file lock on it. Programs like Unlocker can't get around this either. Of course, I've never had Unlocker work with ANYTHING, so maybe that program just sucks.

I notice if you suspend/kill (using process explorer) the Pirates Buster program and the wmplayer that's launched from it's tree, the .wmv isn't renamed back to .wmv.gggz. But it's still locked and you can't do anything with it. Also, if you suspend the two Pirates Buster exe's but leave the WMPlayer it launched running, you can still watch the movie. Dunno how relevant this is.

Pirates Buster is a nasty little program too. I tried to authorize the movie on my laptop (just download the program, then download the file from the site, it will not work if you COPY the file) and I accidentally disallowed it in zonealarm from calling home (only ONCE). Now even after uninstalling, reinstalling and redownloading the LARGE movies, the program still won't even ATTEMPT to authorize them, it just says there's no license.
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Old 06-27-2008, 09:20 PM
kidrockiii kidrockiii is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

OK stream ripper,

You ever watch the tv show house? There's always a part where his boss introduces him a case and he blows it off as an easy diagnosis and boring. Then, she always comes back with more information about the medical problem that captures his attention. Well, you're dr. house. I'm cuddy, no, wait. That would make me a woman. I'm foreman.....but, i'm not black, anyway. here it is:

1. "How to backup licenses of DRM protected .WMV, .WMA Windows Media files"

Good info. I would have loved to have known about that site before I backed up my info incorrectly, and I will most certainly use that in the future. The problem was I simply didn't know what a drm file was. However, does me no good now, but thank you nonetheless.

2. "You can ask your content providers whether they will re-acquire licenses for your new PC."

The answer is no. They won't do it.

3. "You can also try to use DRM removal software for Windows Media .WMV files."

Ok, let's say there were 12 programs on that page. 2 were for MAC. I don't have MAC. About 3 or so recorded then converted the file. If I don't have the license I can't record. About 4 only convert to audio. The rest I have already tried before posting my thread without luck except for one. "daniu-digital" I cannot get to install only because it has an issue with my internet connection.
If there is a way to fix that issue and try the daniu-digital program i'm game.

Now, I'll assume by your answer that you're not familiar with the Pirates buster for movie program. It's wicked, and I'm intimidated. So, House, what do you think?
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Old 06-27-2008, 09:21 PM
kidrockiii kidrockiii is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

Thank you guys though for your input, cause I'm lost.
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Old 06-28-2008, 06:46 AM
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

Is the company you got this from Japanese? I'm just wondering if we got files from the same company, as alot of people report tons of problems in dealing with them. "Pirates Buster" will only work in US English and Japanese, even UK English does not work.

I have been wondering if the .wmv.gggz isn't a real WMV file, but some kind of custom/bastardization of one. And when you kill the PB process tree, there's a command queue on the WMV file to rename it back to .wmv.gggz (I tried another unlocker program, CopyLock Wizard I think and it revealed this).

Another thing, the PB program will try to update itself the first time (after a reboot) that you try to play the movie file(s), so if you want to prevent this, either keep the WMP window it launches open, or (possibly) don't reboot. I'm currently using VMWare where I can just revert to snapshots in case something goes wrong and it decides it doesn't want to play anymore (and I can easily cut it off from the internet).

Hope this is of help to someone trying to get around this and backup their files.
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Old 08-16-2008, 08:31 AM
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

I've been luckier to be able to copy the wmv.dav file while it was being decoded by Pirates Buster. However, I don't know whether wmv.dav is anything different from wmv.gggz. Perhaps the extension is just a convention?

1. Install Unlocker
2. Play the wmv.dav file as usual
3. Right click the wmv.dav file, choose "Unlocker"
4. The screen of Unlocker pops up
5. At the lower-left corner of the pop-up window, choose Copy
6. Rename the file
7. Let Unlocker copies the file until it is finished
8. Done!!!

Last edited by karven : 08-16-2008 at 11:48 AM.
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Old 09-11-2008, 07:12 PM
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Re: Remove DRM from wmv.GGGZ files that are opened with Pirate Buster for Movie soft

hello, I don#'t know if this is the right place to ask this, but I just found out that pirate buster doesn't work with UK english pc's...

Is there any way around this? Or can i simply not play films that use pirate buster on my pc?

Probably learn me for downloading films off of japanese websites that I don't understand
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