librtmp HandleInvoke question
Hey guys,
After looking around a bit and browsing the patched sources I'm still trying to figure out how to get HandleInvoke() to respond to custom invokes from the server over the NetConnection transport (not the NetStream). Specifically, how to emulate creating a client object on NetConnection in Flash, not NetStream.
Any insight would be helpful! I stuck a bucketload of debug output in HandleInvoke() and wrote a SSAS application on my FMS that returns null out of application.onConnect() for later acceptance with application.acceptConnection() only upon a proper response from a"myCustomFunc") and from what I can gather, HandleInvoke() never receives it.
Adding "myCustomFunc" to the AVals that are checked for match doesn't seem to help, besides, putting debug output right after the AMFProp_GetString() doesn't generate any output as if it's not being reached, GDB confirms this.
What to do?