I don't have the answer to your problem yet. But as a starting point I'd recommend to use AdblockPlus on the website and open the following page:
which leads to:
jQuery1703472558189623063_1359135524019({"error":"false","result1":"xqaz","result2":"rtmp:\/\/stream.dinozap.com:1735\/redirect","msg":" - bqPGgL6So39S40\/LqHFYGrMloL6jX\/oOp8Ds05qz5gm6N2TAxOwWkt6+ChXWf8O2DmS490dlkDg7+Z64LOI2UA== - rtmp:\/\/stream.dinozap.com:1735\/redirect@2013-01-25 - OGVzzUT6TuaXAMWN\/Uybes8CLb87LKeEZDNJ1nPpcro= + KYqCEXCMKN8ojznzOYw7i\/\/bTX9nSP9WKhVEWttghH0= - xqaz_20130125 - 20130125 - token: xqaz - rtmp:\/\/stream.dinozap.com:1735\/redirect - HoraServer: 20130125"})
With this info u should be able to construct your RTMPDump commandline. Although I'm not sure how quickly the token expires.