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Old 04-12-2008, 09:04 AM
marcoparker marcoparker is offline
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Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

hi ,

i have security cameras recording to local hard drive in the same location of the cameras. i can also see online streaming video from my cameras in the internet

i need a hosting site to which i can record what i see in my screen from the internet or a direct backup record going out from the local computer to a video hosting site.

this recording has to be online live recording

is there a way that everything that is recorded to the local hard drive will also be recorded in the same time to an out hosting site?

the reason is that i need a backup of live recordings if the local computer will be destroyed in case of a burglar attack and i will have no recordings of the invaders.

thanks for any help
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Old 04-13-2008, 03:07 AM
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

First of all you should probably move your DVR into a vault. And there are DVRs with LAN/WAN backup function. You can use them to backup recordings... Although I'm not sure whether they can backup live recordings or not.
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Old 04-13-2008, 06:29 AM
marcoparker marcoparker is offline
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

thanks for your reply.

my specific question is about the possibility of recording outside.

by using a client program or by direct connecting to the dvr ip
i can see live video anywhere using the internet from a remote location such as home.

once this is a video broadcast,same i was seeing a movie broadcast
from the net,i assume there are ways to record what i see in my screen in a hosting site.

i know there are hosting sites where i can put my backups.
the question is if there is a site to which the recording can go live
and not after being produced as backup.

by the way this is the reason why i put mt post in the initial forum section and not in that one,as this is more a video recording question rather than focused on dvr matters only.

do you know any hosting site to which i can record a streaming live video even it is not coming from dvr.

many thanks for your help,
marco parker
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Old 04-13-2008, 11:41 PM
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

Before using a hosting site you need to record. And this seems to be the main problem.

I really doubt that you can record live videos from all your cameras. Even if you can get video from multiple cameras, if I'm not mistaken, high quality video comes only from a single one.

Even if recording from the single camera is enough, there might be a problem with it. It is the software that comes with DVR that should be able to do the recording on a remote computer. DVRs use different protocols and formats so I can't even suggest you any alternative software to record from them.

You can try to record with a streaming video recorder, maybe it will work for you. The only stream recorder I know that can somehow send your recordings to a remote location (using the YouSendIt service) is Replay AV.

Of course you can use screen video capture software on a remote computer. However I don't see any reason to backup your recordings on a remote host after recording with it. You can use a RAID array or whatever other system on a remote computer to store your recordings.
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Old 08-12-2008, 02:14 AM
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

Originally Posted by marcoparker View Post
hi ,

i have security cameras recording to local hard drive in the same location of the cameras. i can also see online streaming video from my cameras in the internet

i need a hosting site to which i can record what i see in my screen from the internet or a direct backup record going out from the local computer to a video hosting site.

this recording has to be online live recording

is there a way that everything that is recorded to the local hard drive will also be recorded in the same time to an out hosting site?

the reason is that i need a backup of live recordings if the local computer will be destroyed in case of a burglar attack and i will have no recordings of the invaders.

thanks for any help
As you want to record both platform you can do it.Attach your camera with multiple connection platform.
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Old 08-15-2008, 06:11 AM
marcoparker marcoparker is offline
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

mr gibson,

tks for your thread.
but i need a website to which i can record live videos from internet.

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Old 08-30-2008, 04:15 AM
setishock setishock is offline
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

Having been in the electronic security field for 25 years, I think I have a handle on what you're wanting.
You want offsite real time recording to back up the local recording.
The main issue is bandwidth usage that hosts charge for. You only get so much per month for what you pay. When you burn that up they have the right to shut down your connection. And most will with out hesitation.
Now if you look on the local system and see how big the files are for your recordings you can understand why there are not any companies that do that. Imagen if you record 4 or 5 gigs in a 24 hour period(depending on quailty settings), and multiply that times 30 days times 12 months, that's a whole lot of gigs. It's not storage that becomes the issue, it's the bandwidth you burn up. And having to have a dedicated connection to your work computer is going to be pricey.
You could however do it yourself.
Log in to your dvr from home and use a screen capture program. Media Encoder 9 is free from Microsoft and does a great job capturing the screen. You can set the quailty of the output file and just let it run till it runs out of drive space.
I hope that helped you or gave you some ideas. If you need help with Media Encoder I can be found at
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Old 08-31-2008, 06:36 AM
marcoparker marcoparker is offline
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site


Dear Setishock,

MANY thanks for your detailed reply which exactly replies my question.

i understand that the band width will be the main problem.

so i will do as you say,to use a recorder software at home.

but i woulld like to limit that recording to a maximum space
in my homecomputer.

is there a way to limit the recording by the software you recommended
or another,which has the limiting feature.

it will be best if that limiting feature can keep recording the new stream
while erasing the old stream,as a FIFO system,same like
the dvr recording system in the work computer has it.

have a great day,
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Old 09-01-2008, 02:15 AM
setishock setishock is offline
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

If you set the amount of time you want it to run it will just record for that time. As for running over the old file and continue recording, I don't think it will. How ever you could set a routine for yourself that would have you at the home computer just prior to the time running out. If nothing of value happened on the recording you made, just delete the file and start a new one. If some thing did happen, and you want to keep it, you can close the recording and save the file. Just start a new one using a different file name. Date with the start time would make an easy to spot file name.

It did occure to me that if you could get your hands on a smaller dvr machine you can take the composit output from the vid card and feed it to the camera input on the dvr at home. Program its built in software to do what you want and just let it run.

The hotel I manage has some one at the front desk 24/7/365 so my hardware is relatively safe. However your question has me thinking I need to do some thing like that also. I'm looking to some PVR software but it's not free. In the mean time ME9 is working just fine.
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:58 AM
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Re: Online live recording of security cameras to video hosting site

liteCam is a nice screen video capture program that can do scheduled recordings. Actually it is the only program I know that has a scheduler. It may simplify your job.
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