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Old 01-11-2013, 10:27 PM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

I am using a special piece of software which only has one URL field that it can send directly to VLC player. I realize that almost all versions of VLC have rtmp broken. However, I would like to know the most reliable version to use for live.

The versions I've tried either immediately dont accept rtmp input, crashes VLC player or VLC player does nothing.

I am sure there are many, MANY people who want reliable native support for rtmp streams; especially since they are very popular. Maybe someone has created a special build of VLC player that has rtmp working correctly and dependable?

I know there is a rtmpdump.exe app. However, I dont think I can use it with my special software (which sends command-line arguments to VLC player directly.

The streams I'm trying to playback are all listed here:

I would be happy if I could at least get a few streams to playback in VLC player reliably.

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Old 01-12-2013, 02:10 AM
mucea mucea is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Don't know about any special unknown and super-secret software that does it, but here is an example of an RTMP link that plays directly in VLC (tested with VLC media player 2.1.0-git-20120407-0006 Rincewind)
RTMP link for RtmpDump (+ VLC):
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "shanttv-live" -f "WIN 10,3,183,7" -W "" -p "" --live -y "shanttv.sdp" --quiet | vlc.exe -
where vlc.exe needs the path provided.
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Old 01-12-2013, 01:07 PM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

My software doesnt support rtmpdump. it can only send urls to vlc just like any other url for video streams. See my first post.

Originally Posted by ;58432
Don't know about any special unknown and super-secret software that does it, but here is an example of an RTMP link that plays directly in VLC (tested with VLC media player 2.1.0-git-20120407-0006 Rincewind)
RTMP link for RtmpDump (+ VLC):
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "shanttv-live" -f "WIN 10,3,183,7" -W "" -p "" --live -y "shanttv.sdp" --quiet | vlc.exe -
where vlc.exe needs the path provided.
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Old 01-12-2013, 05:02 PM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Thumbs up

Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Sorry, I was being very dense. I didn't see that you clearly pointed me to a "nightly" release that actually works!!! Thank you guys! I am much more optimistic now. I had been very pessimistic since all versions I had tried; including the latest public full release did no work at all.

I just realized there is a nightly version; which is newer than latest public full release build. The nightly version you pointed me is the first build that actually played back shant-TV!!! This is fantastic. Thank you!!!

One thing though, the video is making audio popping sounds; and the video looks like its fast-forwarding. Is this because of a timing issue? Are there any stream buffer settings (or any other configurable settings) in VLC which might help playback this stream (and other similar streams) better?

You guys totally made my day!

Originally Posted by mucea View Post
Don't know about any special unknown and super-secret software that does it, but here is an example of an RTMP link that plays directly in VLC (tested with VLC media player 2.1.0-git-20120407-0006 Rincewind)
RTMP link for RtmpDump (+ VLC):
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "shanttv-live" -f "WIN 10,3,183,7" -W "" -p "" --live -y "shanttv.sdp" --quiet | vlc.exe -
where vlc.exe needs the path provided.
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Old 01-12-2013, 05:12 PM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Find a different place to troll.

Originally Posted by svnpenn View Post
Something is wrong with this guy, in the head.
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Old 01-12-2013, 06:29 PM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Well read this... your troll-like comments aren't helpful to me or anyone else here. Luckily, I made significant progress (that I wouldn't have otherwise) thanks to another helpful forum member.

I am also able to access other RTMP stream now as well. If there are any tweaks with buffering/timing of rtmp in VLC, I plan to find out. It looks like the other live TV URLs I need are mms: and http: only.

Originally Posted by svnpenn View Post
Ah, so you can see my posts. Well read this, and well. VLC support for RTMP is crippled.

Your minor success will be far overshadowed when you realize that this and all versions of VLC do not support RTMP URLs with spaces.
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Old 01-12-2013, 08:40 PM
mucea mucea is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Mkanet, I'm glad you've solved it. But, as far as this forum goes, U gotta know that @svnpenn is a true professional and a great scripter, so I would actually consider - in your case - writing him a courteous PM asking him to help you with your piping needs ("pipe" as in routing a certain stream through an application of your need).

What I suggested was merely an attempt to play a rtmp link with an application that has poor features in that regard. Potplayer would be another alternative. In case the rtmp stream does not need anything but basic features from the player, VLC nightly (and I believe that even the latest official one, on 32bit) does the job. You happened to be lucky with that website. For a lot of them out there, you still need rtmpdump. Good luck with your investigation!
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Old 01-12-2013, 10:35 PM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Thank you. I have another proprietary app/plugin (which isn't even being developed anymore which is hard coded to use vlc.exe; and, send commandline arguments such as URL, etc. I'm not sure if potplayer uses the same argument syntax or not; but, I will definitely look into it.

Looks I got lucky. I only need a couple of rtmp based urls to work; and, they're both working! The rest of the urls are either http or mms:

It looks like the stuttering issue is affecting all media playback in vlc; but just streamed network playback; which should be fixable.

As far as @svnpenn goes... I can only go by what I saw.. which is closer to unruly gradeschooler behavior ...quite the opposite of matured professionals; which posses both class and tact.

Originally Posted by mucea View Post
Mkanet, I'm glad you've solved it. But, as far as this forum goes, U gotta know that @svnpenn is a true professional and a great scripter, so I would actually consider - in your case - writing him a courteous PM asking him to help you with your piping needs ("pipe" as in routing a certain stream through an application of your need).

What I suggested was merely an attempt to play a rtmp link with an application that has poor features in that regard. Potplayer would be another alternative. In case the rtmp stream does not need anything but basic features from the player, VLC nightly (and I believe that even the latest official one, on 32bit) does the job. You happened to be lucky with that website. For a lot of them out there, you still need rtmpdump. Good luck with your investigation!
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Old 01-13-2013, 01:42 AM
mucea mucea is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

Originally Posted by MKANET View Post
It looks like the stuttering issue is affecting all media playback in vlc; but just streamed network playback;
I've seen freezing and lagging in various VLC versions even in cases in which other player renders a continuous live stream, therefore I can only assume that they still have problems with the development of stream caching routine. VLC, in its intention to be a universal media player, has undergone certain optimizations for the caching of live packets, but these are, of course, not the same (there's flv streaming, mp4 streaming, mp3 streaming, mpeg streaming, sequential ts streaming like on HLS servers, and so on). My guess is that the intention of VLC developers to establish a caching policy suitable for all streams has failed, for no matter how much you play with its cache settings, you won't reach the desired effect.
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Old 01-13-2013, 02:56 AM
MKANET MKANET is offline
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Re: Expert help needed to get live-tv rtmp streams to playback in VLC

I am able to get it working "ok" with the current 2 streams; but, still get a little bit stuttering; which I dont see on the original web based embedded player.

It makes sense that there would be settings (exposed in GUI or not) that could optimize network video streaming; which may sacrifice other types of media playback. In my case, it would be perfectly fine since I only need VLC to playback video via network. I use MPC-HC for everything else.

I did see settings which might help the stuttering. I may need to experiment. I didn't see anyone posting their network-optimized settings online; at least I didn't find anything useful.

Originally Posted by mucea View Post
I've seen freezing and lagging in various VLC versions even in cases in which other player renders a continuous live stream, therefore I can only assume that they still have problems with the development of stream caching routine. VLC, in its intention to be a universal media player, has undergone certain optimizations for the caching of live packets, but these are, of course, not the same (there's flv streaming, mp4 streaming, mp3 streaming, mpeg streaming, sequential ts streaming like on HLS servers, and so on). My guess is that the intention of VLC developers to establish a caching policy suitable for all streams has failed, for no matter how much you play with its cache settings, you won't reach the desired effect.
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