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Old 12-08-2010, 04:59 AM
STFU STFU is offline
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windows media player won't play certain drm files

It's about most video's on this site
Recently they seem to have added drm to all their files, now I can still watch them in the browser, but I prefer to download them and watch them later. Downloading is no problem but when media player does the drm request it somehow doesn't connect. HTTP 405 error

I've tried it on XPsp3-WMP10 +XPsp3-WMP09 + VistaSP1-WMP11
I can play drm files here is a sample file

I also tried this.

Try this:

In Explorer make sure hidden and system files are viewable. Go to C:\documents and settings\all users\DRM. Rename the DRM folder to something else (such as "Backup DRM"). Reboot your computer. Go back into 4OD and when you sign in it should ask you to update the DRM software. Do the update and see if it works now.
When it ask to update the drm software with the sample file it works, but when i try the same procedure with one of the files from this website it gives an error.

Now am I wonder does anybody else have this problem and is it solvable.
This is an example to a link from this site :
for your convenience I also downloaded a sample from the website with drm.
Thanx In advance.

Last edited by STFU : 12-08-2010 at 08:54 AM.
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Old 12-08-2010, 01:44 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: windows media player won't play certain drm files

I get the following message when trying to watch:


mediaelement error
(Fout 4001) Het bestand kan niet worden geopend.
WM Recorder seems to be the only program that can download DRM protected Windows Media streams. Not sure whether their license will allow you to play downloaded content at least once or not.
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Old 12-08-2010, 05:58 PM
RTMPE-Killer RTMPE-Killer is offline
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Re: windows media player won't play certain drm files

I can't play the video from your example, because geo-restrictions, but I tried to play the DRM-based one you uploaded, and I also get an 405 error. That's a problem with that particular website and DRM protected videos, so you would have to contact them and ask them to resolve it. Anyway, since you said you played the very same video but online and it worked, that's strange. Try the next:

In Explorer make sure hidden and system files are viewable. Go to C:\documents and settings\all users\DRM and delete all its contents. Then, try to view online that DRM-protected video, but don't download it, just wait to it reproduces correctly in the browser. Once it is correctly playing, just go to the same DRM folder I mentioned before, and you should see a bunch of new files; just copy that entire folder (DRM) and upload it to mediafire please.
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Old 12-09-2010, 12:53 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: windows media player won't play certain drm files

Originally Posted by RTMPE-Killer View Post
Go to C:\documents and settings\all users\DRM and delete all its contents.
Note that this will delete all DRM licenses!
STFU mentioned that he has tried to rename the DRM folder (thus leaving a backup copy)
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Old 12-09-2010, 02:03 AM
RTMPE-Killer RTMPE-Killer is offline
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Re: windows media player won't play certain drm files

Yes, in the case he have other important DRM-related files in that folder, make a folder copy and upload that instead. Just assure you the specific DRM files from the video example you told us, are included within the folder.
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