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Old 10-15-2010, 09:16 AM
Stream Recorder
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Where to buy a laptop with Linux (at least without Windows)?

Where can I buy a laptop with Linux OS or at least without Windows? I've tried dozens of web-sites from HP Direct, Toshiba Direct, Lenovo Direct, SonyStyles, Dell to Amazon, NewEgg,, Overstock, B&H Photo Video, TigerDirect, but can't find laptops that don't come with Windows 7. Even when I try to configure a laptop at HP Direct, Toshiba Direct, Dell, SonyStyles, the only difference in the OSes offered is between Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Enterprise. This is outrageous!

Any idea how to buy a laptop with Linux or how to get a refund for Windows OS?
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Old 10-18-2010, 03:23 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Where to buy a laptop with Linux (at least without Windows)?

I can undersand why Microsoft Store sells computers with Windows, but it seems like it is very hard to find a laptop without Windows.

Dell Open source shows many advantages of Ubuntu:
Originally Posted by Dell
We’re glad you found Dell’s Ubuntu website. If you’re not familiar with Ubuntu, or would like to learn more you’ve come to the right place.
Dell with Ubuntu

First and foremost, Ubuntu is an Operating System. Just like Microsoft Windows or Apple MacOS, you can use Ubuntu to surf the web, check email, or just about anything you might want to do. Here’s a "Top Ten" list of things you should know about Ubuntu.

10) Ubuntu is simple and elegant

If you’re the kind of person who likes your computer to simply work, Ubuntu is right for you. It’s based on stable, secure, easy-to-use software that’s been around for a long time.

9) Ubuntu is designed for the Internet

Do you spend most of your time on the Internet? Ubuntu connects you to the Internet in seconds. Firefox is a very popular browser and works well with practically every website you’ll run across, e.g. news sites, social media sites, etc. It also works great with web-based e-mail sites like Yahoo or Gmail.

8) Ubuntu is "social from the start"

The people who make Ubuntu designed it to be very social-media centric. Do you use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, or any of the other dozens of popular social networking sites? Ubuntu 9.10 works very well with these websites. And beginning with Ubuntu 10.04, these websites will be integrated into the Ubuntu OS itself for your convenience.

7) Ubuntu plays videos, songs, and movies easily

Do you like to watch videos on YouTube, buy songs from Amazon, pop in DVD’s from the local video store? No problem! Dell bundles a multimedia player with Ubuntu to deliver a great entertainment experience.(DRM protected music not supported.)

6) Ubuntu is secure

According to industry reports, Ubuntu is unaffected by the vast majority of viruses and spyware.

5) Ubuntu boots up fast

Beginning with Ubuntu 10.04, available on Dell systems this summer, boot times have improved dramatically over Ubuntu 9.10. Depending upon the Dell computer your purchase, boot times can be around 30 seconds!

4) With Ubuntu, you have access to 1,000’s of free software programs

3) Ubuntu with OpenOffice is compatible with Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat

Do you need to open Microsoft Office documents? What about Adobe Acrobat? Ubuntu comes with the award-winning OpenOffice software. With it, not only can you create word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and even drawings, but it can also open and save documents in Microsoft Office format. Do you ever get .pdf files emailed to you—no problem!

2) Ubuntu is based on Linux

Linux has been around for nearly 20 years. The software itself is not only stable and reliable, but also pervasive. Linux is used on computers of all sizes ranging from the biggest to the smallest.

1) Ubuntu comes pre-loaded with select Dell desktop, notebook, and netbook computers

Beginning in 2007, Dell began shipping computers with Ubuntu. Since then, Dell has shipped more computers pre-loaded and pre-tested with Ubuntu than any other computer maker in the world. Every computer we ship with Ubuntu has been fully tested to ensure the best possible Internet and multimedia experience Linux has to offer. Two high-tech leaders—ensuring Ubuntu on Dell "just works."
But Dell offers too few laptops with Ubuntu. Besides when you select a laptop, you can notice:
Originally Posted by Dell
Windows®. Life without WallsTM. Dell recommends Windows 7:

I have also found a few small shops where prices on laptops with Linux are pretty high. It seems to be cheaper to buy a laptop with Windows 7 and then wipe it out.
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Old 10-20-2010, 12:20 AM
alexthunder alexthunder is offline
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Re: Where to buy a laptop with Linux (at least without Windows)?

In Russia you can get a refund for Windows. One just needs NOT to accept Microsoft agreement. Many sellers offer you to activate MS Windows, but you are free to reject it and use a quality OS instead.
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