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Old 09-10-2010, 02:04 PM
therecycler32 therecycler32 is offline
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help using rtmpdump

I need help using rtmpdump. I kinda really suck with command line stuff. I know how to use all the other rtmp programs but, i suck with rtmpdump.

I looked at the how do you use rtmpdump instructions and i kinda don't know what to do. I got the program downloaded extracted brought up command line thing how do i get it started?

i have some streaming url's i'm trying to record do i type the entire thing like it says

rtmpdump basic usage

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://host/dir/file.flv" -o filename.flv

heres a link as an example rtmp://

how would i get rtmpdump to download that preview file?
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Old 09-12-2010, 02:12 PM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Help using rtmpdump

You will want to read the "sticky" threads in this forum -

How do you use RTMPDUMP :

Software and services for helping to download videos with RTMPDUMP :
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Old 09-13-2010, 05:21 PM
12321 12321 is offline
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Re: help using rtmpdump

You need to use rtmpsrv to get more information on it. In order to get rtmpsrv to recognize the file this is what you have to do.

Edit the hosts file to include as an exception. Once that is done, open rtmpsrv and then open the video.

You should see something on rtmpsrv that says something that looks like an rtmpdump command. Copy that and paste it as your rtmpdump command and the video should download.
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Old 09-15-2010, 02:35 AM
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Re: help using rtmpdump

If you use Windows, you can also record RTMP streams with many other RTMP Flash stream recorders.

If you use Linux, you can use freeware rtmpsuck that comes with rtmpdump
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Old 09-23-2010, 12:15 AM
Ed999 Ed999 is offline
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Re: help using rtmpdump

Originally Posted by 12321 View Post
You need to use rtmpsrv to get more information on it. In order to get rtmpsrv to recognize the file this is what you have to do.

Edit the hosts file to include as an exception. Once that is done, open rtmpsrv and then open the video.

You should see something on rtmpsrv that says something that looks like an rtmpdump command. Copy that and paste it as your rtmpdump command and the video should download.

This is the command you want -

rtmpsrv > RTMPdump_run.bat

This will save the output from rtmpsrv.exe into a batch file called RTMPdump_run.bat that you can then use to download the Flash file in question.

With rtmpsrv running in window A, edit your HOSTS file (as described in the information included in downloads of the RTMPSRV program) and then start the Flash file playing in window B.

You will see, in window A, messages from rtmpsrv. Look out for the magic word "Done" which indicates that it has successfully saved the necessary download command. Then close rtmpsrv (press keys CTRL + Break simultaneously).

You need to then edit the batch file which the above method created, before running it. This is because the above procedure typically saves several copies of the download command into the batch file, so you need to remove all but one of them (otherwise the download will be overwritten every time it successfully completes).

You need to then restore your HOSTS file to normal before running RTMPdump_run.bat otherwise you'll get an error message instead of a download.
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