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Old 03-30-2010, 10:14 PM
stjohns stjohns is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
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4 IP Cam simultanious viewing setup.

I'm trying to setup a live simultanious broadcast of 4 bb-hcm581a ip cameras with 1 audio feed that works on BOTH pc and mac. We already own the 4 cam and they are set up. We have a 100mbit downsteam 15mbit upstream internet connection. In about 1-2 weeks we will have a dedicated computer available for this task. We have Adobe Master collection.

I'm open to buying capture cards or usb capture devices and hooking them up to a computer. Adobe media encoder/windows media encoder. As of right now we have an adaptor that we can plug into the 581as that has composit video(rca). I'm not sure if any other video outs are currently available for the 581a. Again if I have to buy things for this to work thats fine, all I care about is that I have 4 cameras on one webpage with audio that is compatable is PC AND MAC

We are currently using the software that came with the camera however on high volume broadcasts we notice that the audio stutters. I recently found out that the cameras have a 5mbit cap on their maximum speed.

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