You can download directly from that site... but they've hidden it... (to make it less transparent?
) Like you, I was looking for options on how to download a
nearby local government's videos posted on their page, but was unable to. Your government – Oakland Park, FL – is one of the hundreds of local governments that uses
Granicus software to post video alongside meeting agenda and minutes. My government does too. Here is a workaround that I discovered.
The link you posted was to one specific meeting, but to download the video, you need to begin by going to their listing of "
Live and Archived Audio/Video Webcasting of City Commission Meetings." From there, you want to check out the "Subscribe via RSS feeds." Oakland Park's page allows you to subscribe to the feeds for Agenda or Minutes, but the Granicus offers a third type of feed... VIDEO!
Sadly, our governments have not enabled the function to subscribe to the video feeds.
For an example of what a more transparent example, see the
archive for Greensboro, NC, which allows you to subscribe to all three. But all is not lost... You can easily get the video feed yourself.
If you hover over the link to subscribe to the Agenda and the link to subscribe to the Minutes, you will see they are nearly identical:
The only difference is the last word. On a hunch, I copied the link and changed the last word to "=videos". Voila!
Go to and you can click the corresponding "Download File" link for the meeting you prefer. Anybody can do this with their own government by simply changing that last word.
Of course, since this posting is old, the meeting you linked to above (June 2011) is too far down the feed and is no longer available. So, for that meeting, you will have to send a FOIA request to the city and ask for them to provide you with the video file.
Shout out to a post that inspired me to take it to this next step: "
How to download video of Greensboro City Council meetings"