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Old 02-17-2011, 08:35 PM
pbeld pbeld is offline
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Can't remove DRM from PRC Kindle files: Error: Decryption Unsucessful; No valid pid

Tried to use DRM Tools Archive 3.4

Here's the Conversion Log:

Command = "python"
Topaz Path = "...EBOK.prc"
Output Directory = "...\topaz" file = ""
PID list = ""
Serial Number list = ""

Please Wait ...

K4MobiDeDrm v2.3 provided by the work of many including DiapDealer, SomeUpdates, IHeartCabbages, CMBDTC, Skindle, DarkReverser, ApprenticeAlf, etc .
Processing Book:  Ebook

No EXTH record type 209 or token - Perhaps not a K4 file?

Trying:  (8 digit PID)
Error: Decryption Unsucessful; No valid pid found
DRM Removal Failed.
  Creating DeBug Full Zip Archive of Book

Error: Encryption Removal Failed
Help from anybody. I was able to use unswindlev7 for amz files. I am using K4PC beta 1.01.

When I use unswindle it says I can't decrypt topaz files.
There is no topaz tools in the current DRM Tools Archive 3.4, so I used in kindletools.

The above is the error. It's as if Amazon upgraded their topaz encryption so the current version of tools cannot get around them.

Please help.
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Old 02-17-2011, 10:38 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Can't remove DRM from PRC Kindle files: Error: Decryption Unsucessful; No valid p

Have you tried to use KindleBooks.pyw, DeDRM WinApp or Calibre plugins from the DRM tools archive 3.4?

Originally Posted by ReadMe_DeDRM_WinApp_v1.2

DeDRM_WinApp is a pure python drag and drop application that allows users to drag and drop ebooks or folders of ebooks onto theDeDRM_Drop_Target to have the DRM removed. It repackages the"tools" python software in one easy to use program.

It should work out of the box with Kindle for PC ebooks and Adobe Adept epub and pdf ebooks.

To remove the DRM from standalone Kindle ebooks, eReader pdb ebooks, Barnes and Noble epubs, and Mobipocket ebooks requires the user to double-click the DeDRM_Drop_Target and set some additional Preferences including:

Kindle 16 digit Serial Number
Barnes & Noble key files (bnepubkey.b64)
eReader Social DRM: (Name:Last 8 digits of CC number)
MobiPocket, Kindle for iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch 10 digit PID

Once these preferences have been set, the user can simply drag and drop ebooks onto the DeDRM_Drop_Target to remove the DRM.

This program requires that the proper 32 bit version of Python 2.X (tested with Python 2.5 through Python 2.7) and PyCrypto be installed on your computer before it will work.
Originally Posted by README_KindleBooks.txt
KindleBooks (Originally called K4MobiDeDRM and Topaz_Tools)

This tools combines functionality of MobiDeDRM with that of K4PCDeDRM, K4MDeDRM, and K4DeDRM. Effectively, it provides one-stop shopping for all your Mobipocket, Kindle for iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch, Kindle for PC, and Kindle for Mac needs and should work for both Mobi and Topaz ebooks.

Preliminary Steps:

1. Make sure you have Python 2.X installed (32 bit) and properly set as part of your SYSTEM PATH environment variable (On Windows I recommend ActiveState's ActivePython. See their web pages for instructions on how to install and how to properly set your PATH). On Mac OSX 10.6 everything you need is already installed.

Please Note: If you a happy user of MobiDeDRM, K4DeDRM, K4PCDeDRM, or K4MUnswindle, please continue to use these programs as there is no additional capability provided by this tool over the others. In the long run, if you have problems with any of those tools, you might want to try this one as it will continue under development eventually replacing all of those tools.


1. double-click on KindleBooks.pyw

2. In the window that opens:
hit the first '...' button to locate your DRM Kindle-style ebook

3. Then hit the second '...' button to select an output directory for the unlocked file

4. If you have multiple Kindle.Info files and would like to use one specific one, please hit the third "...' button to select it. Note, if you only have one Kindle.Info file (like most users) this can and should be left blank.

5. Then add in any PIDs you need from KindleV1, Kindle for iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch, or other single PID devices to the provided box as a comma separated list of 10 digit PID numbers. If this is a Kindle for Mac or a Kindle for PC book then you can leave this box blank

6. If you have standalone Kindles, add in any 16 digit Serial Numbers as a comma separated list. If this is a Kindle for Mac or a Kindle for PC book then you can leave this box blank

7. hit the 'Start' button

After a short delay, you should see progress in the Conversion Log window indicating is the unlocking was a success or failure.

If your book was a normal Mobi style ebook:
If successful, you should see a "_nodrm" named version Mobi ebook.
If not please examine the Conversion Log window for any errors.

If your book was actually a Topaz book:

Please note that Topaz is most similar to a poor man's image only PDF in style. It has glyphs and x,y positions, ocrText used just for searching, that describe the image each page all encoded into a binary xml-like set of files.

If successful, you will have 3 zip archives created.

1. The first is
You can import this into calibre as is or unzip it and edit the book.html file you find inside. To create the book.html, Amazon's ocrText is combined with other information to recreate as closely as possible what the original book looked like. Unfortunately most bolding, italics is lost. Also, Amazon's ocrText can be absolutely horrible at times. Much work will be needed to clean up and correct Topaz books.

2. The second is
You can also import this into calibre or unzip it and open the indexsvg.xhtml file in any good Browser (Safari, Firefox, etc). This zip contains a set of svg images (one for each pages is created) and it shows the page exactly how it appeared. This zip can be used to create an image only pdf file via post conversion.

3. The third is
This is a zip archive of the decrypted and translated xml-like descriptions of each page and can be archived/saved in case later code can do a better job converting these files. These are exactly what a Topaz books guts are. You should take a look at them in any text editor to see what they look like.

If the Topaz book conversion is not successful, a large archive of all of the pieces is created and this can examined along with the Conversion Log window contents to determine the cause of the error and hopefully get it fixed in the next release.
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