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Old 08-18-2010, 10:00 PM
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (DVD):It is a great work!!!!!

"Curb Your Enthusiasm" is a very funny show from Larry David, the co-creator and executive producer of "Seinfeld ", as well as the person behind the character George. In this case, Larry himself is the central character, with the two main supporting characters Jeff Garlin (as Jeff Greene, Larry's agent), and Cheryl Hines (as Cheryl David, Larry's wife). There are certainly similarities between "Seinfeld" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm". Jerry Seinfeld played himself in the first series, while Larry David plays himself in this series. Also, both shows tend to be about the minutia of life, and that is where they get their humor.

There are differences as well; "Seinfeld" was more of an ensemble show, while this show has a single character focus. "Seinfeld" was also a network program, while " Curb Your Enthusiasm" is from HBO, and so there are virtually no restrictions as there were with the prior series. "Seinfeld" was scripted, while in "Curb Your Enthusiasm" the dialogue is improvised.

Much like the show "The Office", " Curb your Enthusiasm" has a certain undefinable quality that few people can come close to explaining. The 4th Season of " Curb" has just begun recently on HBO, and It is still one of the most Uncomfortable yet Brilliant Comedy series to exist on television.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Complete Seventh Season
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