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Old 06-20-2010, 03:22 AM
azboris azboris is offline
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get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

Hey everyone, I'm running get-flash-videos with rtmpdump (Linux 32bit Ubuntu) for Hulu specifically. I have the Hulu plugin and everything is updated. When I try to download by either URL or the plugin search feature, I am told "Couldn't find Hulu CID". If I edit the plugin file directly and manually set the CID variable, the downloads work fine. I'm afraid I don't know Perl well enough to know why the CID assignment is failing. Hunting down the individual CIDs and updating the file every time is really time consuming, if not impossible for certain videos. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

$ get_flash_videos -d
1 plugin installed:
-> GET
<- 200 text/html; charset=utf-8 (278368)
Trying to open plugin ~/.get_flash_videos/plugins/
Trying to open plugin ~/.get_flash_videos/plugins/
Using method 'hulu' for
Error: Couldn't get Hulu CID at /loader/0xa053fa8/FlashVideo/Site/ line 54.
Couldn't extract Flash movie URL. This site may need specific support adding,
or fixing.

Please confirm the site is using Flash video and if you have Flash available
check that the URL really works(!).
Check for updates by running: /usr/bin/get_flash_videos --update

If the latest version does not support this please open a bug (or
contribute a patch!) at
make sure you include the output with --debug enabled.
Couldn't download any videos.
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Old 06-20-2010, 07:32 AM
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Re: get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

Make sure to use the latest version of get-flash-videos and

Alternatively you can try to use rtmpsuck or rtmpsrv.
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:28 PM
hyc hyc is offline
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Re: get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

This forum is not the place to report problems with get_flash_videos, use their bug tracker.

There is already a bug filed for this

You should probably post a followup there with an example of the show you tried, and the correct CID that you found (and where you found it).
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Old 06-21-2010, 03:24 AM
azboris azboris is offline
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Re: get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

hyc, with all due respect I didn't think I was reporting a bug but rather appealing to a vastly more knowledgeable community for advice on what I may be doing incorrectly. As for your link, I encountered this earlier in my search for information. That particular bug relates to the plugin applying the incorrect key set (a problem I have also seen which requires numerous attempts to overcome), but as his debug copy shows, it is still finding the CID. Would you still recommend piggybacking on his bug or opening a new one?
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Old 06-21-2010, 11:56 PM
hyc hyc is offline
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Re: get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

Probably it's a separate issue and should be a new bug report, but the fact is that hulu has changed a lot of stuff on their site and nothing is going to work until the script is updated.

In the meantime, appealing to a more knowledgeable community is good, but the actual script authors are there, not here.
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Old 08-19-2010, 02:06 PM
monsieurvideo monsieurvideo is offline
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Re: get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

Actually hyc, we're here now too -- figured as people were discussing it here it made sense to be here ;-)

I seem to be able to download that video. This might be an obvious question, but are you sure you're coming from a US IP address? I think the failure if you're not in the US will look something like you see there.

[Oops: didn't realize how old this thread was, this was fixed awhile ago, sorry for confusion.]
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Old 05-18-2012, 01:51 AM
qasim1 qasim1 is offline
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Re: get_flash_videos not finding Hulu CID

at this platform we can very easily post the means and ways, where we can have the audio or video streaming just as the at this website we can also have the new photos of celebrities and gossip news as well many more.
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