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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Other discussions > Web-cams, Online webcam chats, Chat Roulette
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Old 04-01-2010, 04:32 AM
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How can someone hack a chatroulette web-cam? How can i stop this?

When I was on chat roulette, I got my webcam as my partner. How can someone hack a chatroulette web-cam? How can i stop this?!?

I was chat roulette as a joke and as I skipped through the people I found my own webcam as my partner! He said he hacked my signal from my webcam and was talking to a bunch of people with my webcam?! I did not know this is possible and it in all honesty scared me. How can I stop this from happening? Other than not going on there again obviously.
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Old 04-01-2010, 04:40 AM
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Re: How can someone hack a chatroulette web-cam? How can i stop this?

You were not hacked. Virtual web-cam software allows to use images, videos and even a part of desktop instead of real web-cam. That part of desktop was video from your web-cam. You can't prevent this, just skip to the next person.

Note that web-cam can be recorded, so someone can really record your web-cam and then show the video to other people using virtual web-cam software.
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