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Old 01-08-2010, 10:05 PM
REbook REbook is offline
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Remove DRM from PDF ebooks (Adobe Digital Editions)

Posting to help anyone out there:
  1. First I downloaded/installed python/pycrypto.
  2. Then I got ineptkey.pyw, ineptepub.pyw(for epub files) ineptpdf.pyw v2 (for pdf files) put all them into my digital editions directory.
  3. Ran ineptkey.pyw. It found the key and saved as "ADEPTKEY.DER " in the same directory where ineptkey.pyw is.
  4. Then, I ran ineptpdf.pyw (v2 worked fine). In the dialog window I put the path to the input file(the file was in the my digital edition folder) and named a file name for the outfile file.
  5. Voila DRM Free!
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Old 01-22-2010, 09:57 AM
gdbreck gdbreck is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks

Thanks REbook for posting information on doing Adobe Digital Editions pdf files. I can now copy move of my reference books to my Kindle DX.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:02 PM
ecf1216 ecf1216 is offline
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Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks (Adobe Digital Editions)

Can someone please help me? I am trying to remove the DRM from a PDF book so I can read it on my Kindle.

I have followed the directions in this thread, and have had no luck.

I'm using:
Python 26
Pycrypto 2.1
ineptkey.pyw to generate adeptkey.der
tried several versions of ineptpdf.pyw
Adobe Digital Editions
Windows Vista

Every time, I get the same error message -- Error: Dict Required: 2288

I've been completely successful following the directions for removing DRM from epub books, but am apparently doing something wrong with the pdf attempt.

Thank you.
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Old 01-14-2011, 02:15 PM
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Re: Remove DRM from PDF ebooks (Adobe Digital Editions)

Hello, and thanks for everyone's hard work!

Here's my situation: I have a PDF file of a book or general text with a creation date of 2007. I don't recall purchasing it or even downloading it, but the title is interesting and I'd like to read it. This PDF file is located at: My Documents\My Digital Editions\restore\books

Just as background: I knowingly bought my first eBook from Kobobooks just today (13-Jan-11). It is in EPUB format and it was DRM-encoded. I wanted to cut and paste some text from this eBook and found it impossible because of the DRM, so I used Stream Recorder's excellent Python scripts (assuming that individual is the actual author), which worked splendidly.

When I tried to open the 2007 PDF file with Adobe Reader X, it opened a browser window to download Adobe Digital Edition 1.7.2. I cannot open the file with my alternate PDF readers (such as PDF-XChange, etc.) either. I installed and then launched Adobe Digital Editions 1.7.2 to read the PDF file from 2007, it gives the following error message:
Adobe DRM Error
System: 7
State: 4
Class: 15
Code: 31
Message: Error on response from server.
Scroll below or view error.log for more details.
Your Adobe software could not be activated.
HTTP error on Adobe DRM Activator request.
Adobe DRM Activator error.
Client Code: 31 - HTTP Code: 555
Fault location: 15
--- end ---

I've received this same error message about 30 times. Large numbers of unhappy Adobe Reader users get similar errors, and according to their posts, Adobe offers little or no solution or guidance on these problems unless you pay $39.99 for real support.

Then the next thing I tried was using's "A-PDF Restrictions Remover", which removes read-only status and so forth, but it gave me an error message saying: "Unsupport[ed] encryption method"

So I figured I'd just cut through all the nonsense and use the Python scripts in this thread to remove the DRM and move on.

No such luck.

I'm running 32-bit XP Pro/SP3. I have 32-bit Python 2.7.1 with 32-bit PyCrypto installed. I used to successfully get adeptkey.der and I used ineptpdf8.4.50.pyw to try to unlock the file. The error I get is: "Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream". For the record, the file is 1,333 KB in size.

Now, one thing I absolutely do NOT know is if I used this same computer to download the PDF file in 2007, but my best guess is that I did. But seeing as I've never authorized this computer with ADE till today, perhaps that's moot.

So, here are my questions:

(1): How can one tell whether any given PDF file is a "PDF eBook" or not?

(2): The error message from ADE above indicates a problem related to DRM. If this PDF file from 2007 is NOT a "PDF eBook", is there some other way to remove the DRM besides the Python scripts discussed in this thread?

(3): Can anyone offer any other suggestions?

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