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Old 01-18-2010, 03:07 AM
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How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindle)

Topaz is an Amazon format for Kindle devices. It differs from the AZW format in that it can have embedded fonts in the file itself. A .tan sidefile is used to store metadata and bookmarks and other user generated content on the eBook. The metadata is used to help the library mode to reference information about the eBook itself.

While not much is currently known about the internal format used in a Topaz file there is some likelihood that it is related to the standard AZW format. It uses a different compression than standard MOBI files and it can have embedded fonts in the file allowing more complex display using font sets and characters that are not standard to Amazon Kindle. It is also likely to remove other restrictions found in MOBI files such as image size limitations although some of these may have been removed in AZW as well.

According to one publishing industry blogger, Topaz is an implementation of the open EPUB standard. It follows the OEBPS 2.0 specs, and probably the later IDPF guides. It’s a proprietary implementation which means they use ePUB as the source but then convert it to their internal format.

AZW1 - is an eBook in the Topaz (TPZ) format that has been delivered via Whispernet.

TPZ - is an eBook in the Topaz format that that been delivered via Internet download.

The following is experimental and it will probably not work for you but…

ALSO: Please do not use any of this to steal. Theft is wrong.

This is only meant to allow conversion of Topaz books for other book readers you own.

Here are the steps:
  1. First you must use the python scripts in to do the translation from Topaz to HTML

    The files you should have after unzipping are: – (author: cmbtc) unencrypts and dumps to files all of the sections, properly numbered and named – converts metadata0000.dat to human readable text – converts page*.dat, other*.dat, and glyphs*.dat files to their “pseudo” xml descriptions. – converts a “flattened” xml description to html using the ocrtext and markup as its basis. – converts stylesheet “flattened” xml from other0000.dat into css (as best it can – mainly supporting paragraph style classes) – main program to convert everything to xml – main program to generate “book.html”
  2. You must remove the DRM from the Topaz book and build a directory of its contents using the following commands: -d -o TARGETDIR [-p pid] YOURTOPAZBOOKNAMEHERE

    This should create a directory called “TARGETDIR” in your current directory.

    It should have the following files in it:

    metadata0000.dat – metadata info
    other0000.dat – information used to create a style sheet
    dict0000.dat – dictionary of words used to build page descriptions
    page – directory filled with page*.dat files
    glyphs – directory filled with glyphs*.dat files
  3. You should convert the files in “TARGETDIR” to their xml descriptions
    Please note, this python program uses “” and “” so don’t move them. TARGETDIR
  4. Next attempt a conversion to html where “TARGETDIR” is the directory that was created in step 2.
    Please note, this python program uses “”, “”, “”, and “” so don’t move them. TARGETDIR

    Once it completes:

    You should have created the file “book.html” inside of TARGETDIR

    You should also have created the directory xml inside of TARGETDIR
    which has the full xml descriptions of the pages and glyphs for later
    (better) conversion attempts.

One warning … this is not the best long-term solution because much of the layout is only really correct if drawn to the screen (as an svg). Until that solution exists, this should get you something that you can load into Sigil and clean up and make an ePub that you can then convert to other formats

See also:
ebook DRM removal tools archive
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Old 03-21-2010, 01:55 PM
elch elch is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

seems to be more up-to-date.
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Old 03-27-2010, 01:40 AM
vinografia vinografia is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

How do you use ""? (I've tried using unswindle but it doesn't work on topaz.)

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Old 03-28-2010, 08:29 AM
elch elch is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

I don't have a Kindle myself (or which device is necessary for Topaz e-books) but I'm a bit interested in encryption-related topics.

You need Python for this script. I'm not a Windows user anymore but there are precompiled binaries which should work fine.

Download the script, start the command line and type: "python filename"

It accepts the following parameters:
print("\ [options] bookFileName\n")
print("-p Adds a PID to the list of PIDs that are tried to decrypt the book key (can be used several times)")
print("-r Prints or writes to disk a record indicated in the form name:index (e.g \"img:0\")")
print("-o Output file name to write records")
print("-v Verbose (can be used several times)")
print("-i Print database")
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Old 03-31-2010, 12:18 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

The following set of tools can also be used to remove DRM from Amazon Topaz eBooks:
  • TopazExtract_Kindle_iPhone.pyw,
  • TopazFiles2XML.pyw,
  • TopazFiles2SVG.pyw,
  • TopazFiles2HTML.pyw
The scripts should work with Kindle and iPhone Amazon Topaz Files (.tpz, .azw1). The files are really images of pages with OCR performed on them. Using the tools you can get SVG images of the pages, and the OCRed HTML version for clean-up.
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Old 04-03-2010, 09:36 AM
maggerbee maggerbee is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

WOW, thanks so much for that download! I successfully converted my purchased topaz from Amazon, into an HTML, and then used Calibre to convert it to .epub for use on my HTC Hero (Android Phone) using Aldiko book reader. Thanks sooo much!!!
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Old 04-11-2010, 02:44 PM
jcklaus jcklaus is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

Running this I keep getting the error "Can not find dict0000.dat file" What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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Old 04-30-2010, 11:14 AM
Maradona10 Maradona10 is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
The following set of tools can also be used to remove DRM from Amazon Topaz eBooks:
  • TopazExtract_Kindle_iPhone.pyw,
  • TopazFiles2XML.pyw,
  • TopazFiles2SVG.pyw,
  • TopazFiles2HTML.pyw
The scripts should work with Kindle and iPhone Amazon Topaz Files (.tpz, .azw1). The files are really images of pages with OCR performed on them. Using the tools you can get SVG images of the pages, and the OCRed HTML version for clean-up.
I have downloaded these scripts. But can you please explain how to execute them properly and in which order? Cause I'm new to python. I have a topaz book on my iphone and want to convert it, but don't know how.

Any help appreciated.
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Old 04-12-2010, 03:12 AM
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

Originally Posted by jcklaus View Post
Running this I keep getting the error "Can not find dict0000.dat file" What am I doing wrong?
Running what? On what OS? On what files?
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Old 08-15-2010, 11:56 AM
epstewart epstewart is offline
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Re: How to convert Topaz ebooks to HTML (Remove DRM from TPZ and AZW1 books for Kindl

Help! I accidentally obtained a Topaz e-book and, via Amazon Kindle for Mac, downloaded it. I also downloaded it to Kindle for the iPhone. I would like to convert it to an EPUB for iBooks on the iPhone. As I read through the posts in this thread, I find myself getting very confused. Exactly how do I do what I want to do?

I do know how to use the skindle app to unlock the downloaded file (using Parallels emulator software which lets me run Windows on my Mac). The result can be either a compressed .tpz file or an uncompressed one — but neither of those works with calibre! Does unlocking the original file with skindle get me any closer to the result I'm after?

Some of the Python scripts mentioned here seem to assume one has a physical Kindle, for which one needs to specify the PID (whatever that is). How do I go about doing things if all I have are a Mac and an iPhone, with no PID?

I get the feeling I have to convert the downloaded .tpz file to the SVG format. I have no idea what SVG means, though, or why I can't convert the .tpz file directly to an EPUB. I'd like to find out the answers to both those questions.

I also think I understand that the SVG file then has to be converted to HTML, which can at last be input to calibre and converted to EPUB format. Am I right about that? Again, why not just convert the .tpz file directly to (if not EPUB) HTML?

Any help anyone can give me will be much appreciated ...
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