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Old 10-31-2009, 09:06 AM
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Tunebite review (Win): stream downloading +screen capturing +DRM removing +converting

TuneBite Platinum (Shareware/Windows) allows to download HTTP and RTMP audio/video streams. It can also capture videos from screen.
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Old 10-31-2009, 09:21 AM
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Re: Tunebite Platinum (Windows) - stream downloading + screen capturing

Why do you create a thread about Tunebite Platinum. It has an ugly complex interface and it is unstable at recording online videos. They say that the software is free, but it is not, because you have to see the nag screen all the time, and only some features are free, plus they are limited.
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Old 11-03-2009, 03:13 AM
Ashanti Ashanti is offline
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Re: Tunebite Platinum (Windows) - stream downloading + screen capturing

They didn't say it's free, they released a free version which is not the demo, but it's not like the full version whith all its features. As many other softs which have some free versions, tunebite has itself some limitations from the full version.
Regarding its ugly interface, that's up to the users, I for myself I think it's really nice.
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Old 11-06-2009, 05:59 AM
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Re: Tunebite Platinum (Windows) - stream downloading + screen capturing

Originally Posted by Ashanti View Post
They didn't say it's free, they released a free version which is not the demo, but it's not like the full version whith all its features. As many other softs which have some free versions, tunebite has itself some limitations from the full version.
I've checked their web-site. Here are some quotes:
Originally Posted by tunebite
How can I use the Tunebite freeware?

Give it a try for yourself with the freeware.

Download the freeware!
It is really weird to see freeware and the buy button at the same time. May be this is an incorrect translation from German, but I think it is deceiving. When some not the best download web-sites use "free download", I can understand the trick. But I don't expect to see anything like that from a software vendor. I just don't trust the company after that.

If you take Replay Media Catcher and Jaksta for example, they clearly say that the program can be used to download YouTube videos for free, but they don't use the word freeware because of this fact.

Originally Posted by Ashanti View Post
Regarding its ugly interface, that's up to the users, I for myself I think it's really nice.
I can't say that it is ugly, but it is definitely too complex for me.
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Old 11-09-2009, 04:01 AM
Ashanti Ashanti is offline
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Re: Tunebite Platinum (Windows) - stream downloading + screen capturing

Well, I really don't know what it's so hard to understand, they have a free version for some of the features and a demo version for the full version. It's just like AVG anti-virus, for example. You surely know that they have a free version which u can have it all the time and a full version which u must buy it. And at this full version there is a demo to test its features.
That's exactly the same case for tunebite, the free version u have full access to its features all the time and with demo version u can just try the features from the full version which aren't the same as the free version.
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Old 11-09-2009, 09:04 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Tunebite Platinum (Windows) - stream downloading + screen capturing

Originally Posted by Ashanti View Post
Well, I really don't know what it's so hard to understand, they have a free version for some of the features and a demo version for the full version. It's just like AVG anti-virus, for example. You surely know that they have a free version which u can have it all the time and a full version which u must buy it. And at this full version there is a demo to test its features.

That's exactly the same case for tunebite, the free version u have full access to its features all the time and with demo version u can just try the features from the full version which aren't the same as the free version.
AVG and other respected companies clearly show that softwarу is freeware and what features you can get if you upgrade. Tunebite is absolutely the opposite. It is deceiving users. This is absolutely inappropriate and we do NOT recommend the program.
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