I'm new to this DRM stuff and have just spent the last 2 hours browsing internet to try and make some sense of it but, I confess, I'm still more confused then at first...
Basically, I have some WMV files and want to remove DRM protection out of it. I'm trying to use
Tunebite. When I try to start the process tunebite wants to reproduce the video and a pop up windows pops up saying that content needs a licence, I should connect to internet etc...
I thought Tunebite could bypass the DRM protection WITHOUT having to acquire the license... Am I wright or wrong?!
These are dubious files I'm trying to access and dowloading any kind of licence seems a good way to get infected with virus...
How can I overcome this problem? Also, if this is not possible to do with Tunebite, is there any software that allow you to remove the DRM without having to dowload the licenses?
I'm sorry if this post is duplicate but frankly I couldn't find the answer to what I was looking...
Many thanks in advance for possible help, I really need it...