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Old 11-14-2008, 10:57 PM
kalingzeye kalingzeye is offline
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Recording video from Ustream? Please help! (record rtmp:// .flv video)

I have been trying to download this video pretty much all day:
I believe the stream url is this, but I'm not totally sure?:
I've tried almost every program I can find... Replay Media Catcher, HiDownload , Rip Tiger, Orbit Downloader, FLV Recorder, Bit Recorder... they all error EXCEPT Replay Media Catcher, but I only have the trial version so I can't get the whole file. -_-

In most of the programs, it looks to be some sort of server issue, they prematurely disconnect or error out trying to connect... I don't know what's up with it. If anyone could give me some advice, another program or something, I'd really appreciate it. x_x Or if someone can manage to actually download this thing (it's about 40min), I would be eternally grateful... Ugh. *has wasted a whole day now*... I give up!
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:22 PM
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Re: Recording video from Ustream? Please help! (record rtmp:// .flv video)

That's a really nice question. How much does your day costs? Was it worth wasting it instead of buying software that really works? You don't need to answer on it here. It is a really good lesson for you and for those who are reading the thread including me. So thanks a lot for posting your question!

There is one more program for you to try. NetTransport can capture RTMP streams. I haven't really tested it yet, 'coz it can't find RTMP URLs.

And actually Applian has a really great offer. They sell their suite with a 50% discount. I couldn't believe they have a discount like that. But the offer ends at November 17th.
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:29 PM
kalingzeye kalingzeye is offline
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Re: Recording video from Ustream? Please help! (record rtmp:// .flv video)

:\ Well, I didn't want to spend money on software just for a one-time use. This is the only time I've encountered a file like this, and I had a free day, it's just frustrating... I'm a student so I really don't have $40 to spend on Replay Media Catcher, I could better spend that money on supplies for my classes...

(Trying NetTransport atm...)
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Old 11-14-2008, 11:45 PM
kalingzeye kalingzeye is offline
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Re: Recording video from Ustream? Please help! (record rtmp:// .flv video)

Yeah, NetTransport didn't work either... keeps having an "error 1" connection issue. Same type of stuff as most of the other programs had. Thanks, for the suggestion, though~ I would buy RMC, I'm a fan of Applian and I've bought two or three programs from them before. Just don't have the money right now.
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