Hi All,
Would you help in downloading the video lectures from the following site:
some of the rtsp links it contains: rtsp://wally.cs.iupui.edu/n355/vr1c.rm
Both my
HiDownload and
NetTransport are not able to get these videos.
I contacted the site admin, he said he is able to download them.But for me its giving trouble..Please help me..
Nettransport log:
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.203 Connecting to wally.cs.iupui.edu:554
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.218 Connecting to
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 Connected.
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 OPTIONS rtsp://wally.cs.iupui.edu:554 RTSP/1.0
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 CSeq: 1
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 User-Agent: RealMedia Player (HelixDNAClient)/ (win32)
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 ClientChallenge: d707c3bcec41d34e717bf3f70a3792a9
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 PlayerStarttime: [19/07/2008:06:08:02 05:30]
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 CompanyID: yAfDu2zXXS65zxbPuhoX0w==
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.531 Pragma: initiate-session
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.828 Socket function error.
7/19/2008 6:08:02 AM.828 Awaiting 5 seconds to retry.
7/19/2008 6:08:07 AM.828 Connecting to
7/19/2008 6:08:08 AM.140 Connected.
Hi Download log:
2008-07-19 05:33:11:281 Use RTSP protocol to download
2008-07-19 05:33:11:296 Start connecting host(
2008-07-19 05:33:11:593 Succeed in connecting server(
2008-07-19 05:33:11:593 OPTIONS rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
2008-07-19 05:33:11:593 CSeq: 1
2008-07-19 05:33:11:593 User-Agent: RealMedia Player (HelixDNAClient)/ (win32)
2008-07-19 05:33:11:593 ClientID: WinNT_5.1_6.0.12.1741_RealPlayer_R31CND_en_686
2008-07-19 05:33:11:593 Pragma: initiate-session
2008-07-19 05:33:11:906 Error: Disconnect
2008-07-19 05:33:11:906 Failed to connect host, Encountered maximum errors, Download stopped