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Old 06-07-2008, 09:16 PM
janeydoll janeydoll is offline
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Sirius: Hardware and software. Recording and saving for private use.

I am needing to become a sirius subscriber because Rosie O'Donnell is more than likely going to have a program. I am a huge fan and if she goes there, so will I.

I am looking at the new stiletto 2 portable.

Now, I am not needing reception in the car. I just need the radio reception in my house. I have wireless internet and HIGH internet connection (if that matters). I believe she will be on the Howard channel.

I am ALSO wanting to record and save her program for private use so please explain how I might go about doing that.

Now, do I need a home kit to get reception? or does having the wireless make it possible to connect? Please explain how this works. I am a fast learner, I just need good teachers.

Her show could be happening fairly quick, so I want to be ready. Please help me ASAP.

I hope I am placing this in the right forum.

thanks so much for the help.
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Old 06-08-2008, 02:36 PM
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Re: Sirius: Hardware and software. Recording and saving for private use.

Replay AV can record Sirius online feeds.
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Old 03-17-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: Sirius: Hardware and software. Recording and saving for private use.

Replay Music does not record via stream, it requires the Sirius Online tuner and records the decoded analog, then compresses to mp3 (or many other formats). But it will automatically create a new file when the song changes (silence level/length needed is adjustable). After splitting the file, it attempts to identify the song, then tag it with Title/Artist/Album. Works with Rhapsody, internet radio, etc., too.

Replay AV will login to your Sirius account and record directly via stream with no quality loss when converted to mp3, but it does not have the splitting/tagging functionality of Replay Music. It is convenient for recording shows (like Howard Stern), because you can schedule the login/logout time and it will wake up your computer and record unattended.
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