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Old 04-01-2017, 06:37 PM
rlash99 rlash99 is offline
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NETFLIX download wireshark capture

How to download anything from Netflix if I play it on my Amazon Fire TV and capture that traffic through wireshark?

I put a few of the URLS in the web browser and it downloaded a 2 GB file that is the length of the movie and I can view the bitrate and resolution of the movie, but it doesn't actually show any of the movie. It only shows a grey screen.

Another file is about 95 MB and is the full 5.1 eac3 audio file which does play. I am unable to find the subtitles nor the keys that could possibly decrypt it. Something has to be in the wireshark dump that will work.

Here is the dump:

Last edited by rlash99 : 04-01-2017 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 04-06-2017, 02:18 PM
rla999 rla999 is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

I noticed a bunch of views but no replies. Does anybody have a clue?
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Old 04-08-2017, 06:10 PM
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

The video is encrypted the audio isn't. Nothing really much to say about it tbh.
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Old 04-11-2017, 04:55 AM
ManceRayder ManceRayder is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

I know a software that enables you to record movies and tv shows from netflix. It's called Audials Moviebox. I hope this helped. but otherwise I have no idea how you could download things from netflix.
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Old 04-25-2017, 09:44 PM
AlvoErrado2 AlvoErrado2 is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

How can I use wireshark to discover the audio url in Windows app??
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Old 05-02-2017, 08:14 AM
klode klode is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

Hi rlash99,
I want to know... how do you have capture streaming with wireshark?

Sorry for my newbie question... But I want to try to decrypt video with some other stuff, but I need to capture stream.

Thanks for your help
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Old 05-12-2017, 07:38 AM
dichtailieugiare dichtailieugiare is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

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Old 07-26-2017, 10:45 PM
dients dients is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

Vá»›i kh??t vá»?ng quá??ng b?? Ä‘á?·c sá??n Việt, á?©m thá»±c Việt qua Ä‘?? g??p phá?§n ti??u thá»? v?* n??ng cao gi?? trị n?´ng sá??n Việt, c?´ng ty TNHH TH???*NG Má?*I XNK NEWSTAR kh?´ng ngừng nghi??n cứu, sá??n xuá??t v?* ph??n phối c??c sá??n phá?©m sá??ch từ thi??n nhi??n, từ thá??o d?°á»?c chá??t l?°á»?ng thá?*t h?°??ng vị thá?*t.
???????? Muối ?© t??y nguy??n ???????? l?* sá??n phá?©m muối Ä‘?°á»?c l?*m từ c??y thá??o d?°á»?c tốt cho sức khoá?», c?? thá»? thay thá?? c??c sá??n phá?©m â€? Muối Trá»™n Gia Vịâ€? hiện nay tr??n thị tr?°á»?ng…
????????Vị cay cay của á»›t, vị má?·n má?·n của muối v?* Ä‘á?·c biệt nhá??t l?* m??i th??m của l?? ?© h??a quyện v?*o tá??o th?*nh má»™t cá??m gi??c ngon há??p dá?«n ngay Ä‘á?§u l?°á»?i v?* thá??m dá?§n v?*o trong. Má»™t cá??m gi??c Ä‘??ng Ä‘á»? tá??t cá?? ch??ng ta trá??i nghiệm vá»›i ????????Muối ?© T??y Nguy??n????????
???ž MUá»?I ?‰ T?‚Y NGUY?ŠN c?? thá»? d??ng Ä‘á»? tá?©m ?°á»›p thịt gia cá?§m hay há??i sá??n (Tr?°á»›c khi há??p hoá?·c n?°á»›ng).
???ž Muối ?‰ v?¬ mang t?*nh á??m v?* c?? m??i th??m Ä‘á?·c tr?°ng n??n c?? thá»? d??ng Ä‘á»? chá??m há??i sá??n, thịt c??c loá??i v?* tr??i c??y. L?*m tÄ?ng th??m vị th??m ngon của c??c nguy??n liệu tr??n. Ä?á?·c biệt: Muối ?‰ T??y Nguy??n v?¬ l?* sá??n phá?©m ho?*n to?*n từ thá»±c vá?*t n??n c?? thá»? d??ng cho cá?? ng?°á»?i Ä?n má?·n v?* ng?°á»?i Ä?n chay.
???ž Vá»›i ti??u ch?*: â€? Sức Khoá?» L?* V?*ngâ€? ch??ng t?´i kh?´ng ngừng t?¬m t??i, nghi??n cứu Ä‘á»? Ä‘?°a ra má»™t sá??n phá?©m â€? muối trá»™n gia vịâ€? tốt cho sức khoá?» từ c??y thá??o d?°á»?c l?* c??y ?‰.
???ž Theo nghi??n cứu của Ä‘?´ng y: C??y ?‰ t??n d??n gian l?* c??y H?°??ng Thá??o hay Tiá??n Thá»±c …. Th??n v?* l?? c?? vị cay m??i th??m, t?*nh á??m c?? t??c dá»?ng chá»?a Ä‘au bá»?ng, Ä‘á?§y h??i, ch?°á»›ng bá»?ng, Ä?n kh?´ng ti??u, n?´n má»?a, cá??m c??m, chá»?a vi??m lá»?i, chá??y m??u ch??n rÄ?ng, t?°a l?°á»?i…
???ž Th?*nh phá?§n ch?*nh: Muối, l?? ?©, Ä‘?°á»?ng, bá»™t ngá»?t, á»›t, chá??t Ä‘iá»?u vị, v?* c??c gia vị kh??c.
???ž H?°á»›ng dá?«n sá»± dá»?ng: D??ng Ä‘á»? chá??m c??c loá??i há??i sá??n, tr??i c??y, đồ n?°á»›ng…
???ž Ä?á?·c biệt: Sá??n phá?©m từ thá»±c vá?*t n??n Ä?n má?·n hay chay Ä‘á»?u dung Ä‘?°á»?c.
Sá??N PHá?¨M Ä???á»?C Sá??N XUá?¤T V?€ PH?‚N PHá»?I BỞI:
Ä?ịa chỉ ph??n phối: 11/1A Ä??°á»?ng Số 8, Ph?°á»?ng 11, Quá?*n G?? Vá??p, TP> HCM.
Ä?ịa chỉ sá??n xuá??t: Tổ 3, Khối 9, Ph?°á»?ng T??n Lá»?i, TP. Bu?´n M?? Thuá»™t, Ä?ak Lak.
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Old 08-06-2017, 07:33 AM
FreeGrabApp FreeGrabApp is offline
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Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

Free Netflix Download (

We are proud to inform our users that FreeGrabApp released the first application that is able to download Netflix videos for free, without spending internet traffic, and without disrupting NETFLIX limitations!!

How to download Netflix video using FreeGrabapp Netflix download:

Netflix doesn't allow you to download videos so you can watch them offline. However, it is possible so we're going to show you how to download Netflix video to watch it offline on any device including iPad and Android.

The downloader is great when traveling on the plane where you can't watch online. After installing the downloader on your device, all you need to do is to just to drop the netflix video link into the program and to download in HD.

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3 times faster downloading speed.
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Old 08-06-2017, 08:34 AM
nyuszika7h nyuszika7h is offline
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Thumbs down

Re: NETFLIX download wireshark capture

That app simply captures the Widevine CDM's output and reencodes it instead of decrypting the video. It only supports up to 720p (H.264) and 96 kbps AAC 2.0 audio. And the audio is messed up, it cuts out in some places.

Also, the advertising is ridiculous. How can you download anything "without spending internet traffic"? (Unless it's zero-rated, but that generally only applies to cellular connections, it's practically nonexistent on home broadband connections, but many of those including mine are unlimited anyway.) And the claim that Netflix doesn't let you download videos is not entirely true – most titles can be downloaded on Android and iOS devices (encrypted, of course).

Last edited by nyuszika7h : 08-06-2017 at 09:21 AM.
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