I have been trying to download a RTMP stream. I tried using rtmpdump and livestreamer. But nothing seems to be working. I always get the error that stream not found. Most probably I am pointing rtmpdump to wrong URL for the video. I decoded the URL from the following HTML code:
<div class='flowplayer' style='width: 640px; height: 480px;background-image: url(http:///bpp/SplashScreen/ActEdUK_INT_OC_V04m_First_Frame.png);' data-origin='http://hosting.mmod.net/play/bpp/22517/201701060208/cciL6w_kM_7KkADq0nEa8_XTR0AOhqHdSftJR0ZeM9s_' data-key='#204981867816182' data-engine='flash' data-rtmp='rtmp://edge1.mediaondemand.net/vod/bpp' ><video autoplay><source type='video/flash' src='ActEdUK_INT_OC_V04m_109.mp4'></video></div>
The code I am using with rtmpdump:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://edge1.mediaondemand.net/vod/bpp/ActEdUK_INT_OC_V04m_109.mp4" -o abc.mp4
Any idea why I am getting the stream not found error? Any help will be greatly appreciated.