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Old 12-11-2007, 02:08 PM
liquidcrystal liquidcrystal is offline
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converting or recording parts of DVD video when playing

Firstly, cool site, appologies if this post is in the wrong section?

What i'd like to do is play a dvd disc on my pc, either a movie or home video recording and as i watch the dvd i'd like to record, grab or capture small sections of it, is this possible?

Is there any software that allows me to watch a dvd that's playing and with a click of the mouse start and stop recording as the movie continues to play, save the files to a folder for me to edit or convert later?

I'm a musician, i'd like to create, edit videos of the band, add mp3, then upload the finished video to a webpage, youtube, stuff like that. I've tried screen grabbers but they don't capture the video playing on my screen? might not be the ideal way anyway, i'd prefer software that plays the video and records all in one.

Any recommendations?

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Old 12-12-2007, 04:21 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: converting or recording parts of DVD video when playing

If you wanna use screen video capture program please see the following FAQ:
Black screen problem when recording video with Screen Capture software from Windows Media player

However when you capture from the screen, you get quality loss.
I suggest you to use losslees trimming/splitting of DVD video files.

AVS Video Remaker can open VOB and IFO files (as well as other formats) from DVD Video disc. It allows you to watch opened videos and to use lossless video trimming.

If you need to add sound tracks to your videos files, you should probably usea video editing software like AVS Video Editor. You can open DVD video files with it and then edit them.

As for YouTube:
Originally Posted by YouTube
YouTube accepts a wide range of video file formats such as .WMV, .AVI, .MOV, and .MPG transferred from most digital cameras, camcorders, and cell phones.

We've found that files converted from .wmv to one of the other formats our webpage accepts generally have a lower playback quality than other file formats. If you have your source video in a format other than a .wmv file, you may want to encode directly to MPEG4 (DivX, Xvid, SVQ3) at 640x480 resolution, with 64k Mono MP3 Audio. If you have a source .wmv in high bitrate and larger resolution you may want to convert to MPEG4 at full resolution and then resizing to 320x240 using a high quality resizing algorithm - this can help reduce the number of artifacts you end up with.
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Old 12-12-2007, 05:38 AM
liquidcrystal liquidcrystal is offline
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Re: converting or recording parts of DVD video when playing

That's the info i wanted, could not find this thread at first tho, cheers for that Stream Recorder, ignore a pm from me if you get it.
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Old 12-12-2007, 07:22 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: converting or recording parts of DVD video when playing

Originally Posted by liquidcrystal View Post
could not find this thread at first tho
this is the thread you started. it just was moved. it can be placed in into recording, converting, splitting or editing forums... it thought editing was the most relevant.
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Old 12-12-2007, 07:29 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: converting or recording parts of DVD video when playing

The offered programs are not free. Make sure to test their free trial versions before buying.

And there is one more thing. DVD disc can be protected. Most of them come with CSS encryption that can be easily broken by freeware DVD Decrypter or similar programs. The Web-site of DVD Decrypter was shut down. I don't really know whether there are any freeware alternatives.

AnyDVD HD and AnyDVD are great programs. Not only they saved me from CSS Encryption, Region Code, prohibited messages, but also reduced the noise from my DVD drive. They are great, but I don't really think you should buy AnyDVD solely for your DVD conversion.

Last edited by Stream Recorder : 12-12-2007 at 11:35 AM. Reason: grammar
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Old 12-12-2007, 10:18 AM
liquidcrystal liquidcrystal is offline
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Re: converting or recording parts of DVD video when playing

Cheers SR for all the info, ignore or delete last message sent before this, i called you ST instead of SR

Really cool site.
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