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Old 05-01-2016, 08:29 PM
blackfirex99 blackfirex99 is offline
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Building rtmpdump 2.4 for Windows

Hey everyone,

I have been desperately trying to build the executable for rtmpdump for Windows, but I really don't know what I'm doing, to be honest. I have made a small modification to the code and now I just need the exe file. I have installed MinGW and installed a bunch of stuff the internet told me to, but I really don't know what to do.

If someone could please walk me through the process of building rtmpdump.exe, I would be eternally grateful and I'll even pay you. Anyone who gives me the help I need to do this can get $20 in Bitcoin! And I'm sorry if this is against the forum rules; I'm new here.

Thank you all so much!
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Old 05-01-2016, 09:36 PM
blackfirex99 blackfirex99 is offline
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Re: Building rtmpdump 2.4 for Windows

Finally figured it out! Many thanks to the people who wrote the posts over at for helping me figure this out. Here's what all I did for anyone who wants to know in the future:

1) Download and install MinGW
2) Add C:\MinGW\bin and C:\MinGW\local\bin to your Path environment variable (then close and re-open cmd if you have it open)
3) Open up the MinGW Installation Manager
4) Install all of the packages labeled mingw32-libz
5) Install all of the packages labeled msys-wget
6) Install all of the packages labeled msys-libintl
7) Install all of the packages labeled msys-libiconv
8) Install all of the packages labeled mingw32-gcc
9) Install all of the packages labeled msys-make
10) Install all of the packages labeled mingw32-libgcc
11) Open up cmd and run the following commands:
- wget
- tar fx polarssl-1.0.0-gpl.tgz
- cd polarssl-1.0.0
- make CC=gcc LDFLAGS="-L../library -lpolarssl -lws2_32"
- make DESTDIR=MinGW install
12) Copy everything in the newly created MinGW folder (it's in the folder polarssl-1.0.0) to C:\MinGW
13) Go to and download/extract the binaries, then copy libintl3.dll to C:\MinGW\bin
14) Go to and download/extract the binaries, then copy libiconv2.dll to C:\MinGW\bin
15) Go back to cmd and run the following commands:
- git clone git://
- cd rtmpdump
- make SHARED= SYS=mingw CRYPTO=POLARSSL LIBZ="-lz -static"
16) You can also optionally make librtmp.dll by running this command:
- make SYS=mingw CRYPTO=POLARSSL LIBZ="-lz -static"

That's the guide I wish I had when I was doing all this! Hope this helps somebody!
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