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Old 11-25-2015, 04:53 AM
B-777 B-777 is offline
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Periscope help, need original .ts file(s)

Hello guys,

I'm newbie in this forum. Sorry my english is not perfect, but I hope you understand. I'm not a "computer expert", so, if somebody can help me, pls write step by step solution. I use an old Win XP Pro SP3 based computer.

I would like to download periscope videos. Now, mostly I use GetThemAll chrome extension, but this is too slow and complicated and most important, not working with live streams. Or Firefox with Intertned Download Manager can download one large .ts file, but work only with non-live streams.

More precisely what I need;

- Can download live stream (if possible incl. all separate .ts chunk files)
- Can download non-live stream (if possible incl. all separate .ts chunk files)

Important, need original quality .ts files (incl all chunk files) not mp4 or others.

1. I tried "Periscope video downloader v2.1" by n3tman, but not worked for me, I put the link, press "enter", opened second cmd window but
nothing happened. Maybe "aria2c.exe" is the main problem, but not sure.


2. Tried latest version youtube-dl.exe from,

seems working (check screenshot pic), but always downloaded .mp4 file.. slightly bigger size and as I seen slightly lower quality as original .ts file so this is not best for me.

3. Yesterday, I found Livestreamer, but I don't know how can use. I installed (C:\Program Files\Livestreamer), run cmd window and now I don't know what's the next step? If I use same command as earlier with youtube-dl, the answer is "No plugin can handle".

I found some command eg. I copied, but not working

livestreamer "" best -o 01.ts

livestreamer "" best -o 01.ts
[cli][info] Found matching plugin periscope for URL
[plugin.periscope][info] Live Stream ended, using replay instead
[cli][info] Available streams: replay (worst, best)
[cli][info] Opening stream: replay (hls)

livestreamer   --http-header "Cookie=CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id=.........;  CloudFront-Policy=...........;  CloudFront-Signature=......." "" best -o video.ts

any idea? maybe somebody can modify youtube-dl, periscope video downloader or livestreamer specially for periscope live and non-live stream original .ts files?
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Old 11-25-2015, 11:44 AM
B-777 B-777 is offline
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Re: Periscope help, need original .ts file(s)

Tried livestreamer again, here is the result, still not working..

error: No plugin can handle URL:

livestreamer "" best -o 01.ts
error: No plugin can handle URL

livestreamer "hls://" best
livestreamer "hls://" best
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hls://
[cli][info] Available streams: live (worst, best)
[cli][info] Opening stream: live (hls)
[cli][error] Could not open stream: Missing #EXTM3U header
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Old 11-26-2015, 04:11 AM
B-777 B-777 is offline
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Re: Periscope help, need original .ts file(s)

Ok some problem solved, thanks to biezom! He is a very nice guy!

Now I can download easily the non-live streams with livestreamer, but how can I download live streams in original .ts format? How can I download live .ts.chunk files? Some periscope video stream is not available to replay after the ended. Sometimes I seen a small pics of video (left side), but periscope said "replay is unavailable" or similar, so important, I woud like a "real time" periscope live stream downloader.

Youtube-dl.exe seems half-working (if ffmpeg.exe including same folder) but use mp4 format and I see some weird things in command window. When the stream is live the youtube-dl use a ".PART" file, when live stream is ended the part file "converted" to .mp4. The result seems good, but not perfect. Sometimes I seen some weird thing in the video. Command is simple: youtube-dl "periscope link"

As I know Periscope Video Downloader v2.1 (by n3tman) can download live streams from periscope in ts format (can download all chunk files!), but this program not working for me. I don't know why, no error messages or other things, I put the link, press enter, a second cmd window open, but download not started, just nothing happened.

Last edited by B-777 : 11-26-2015 at 06:42 AM.
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Old 10-15-2016, 11:02 PM
banntree banntree is offline
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Re: Periscope help, need original .ts file(s)

I highly recommend Allavsoft to download periscope video into its original video format or any popular video format, like MP4, AVI, WMV, MKV, FLV, etc.
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