On some websites it was easy to find a streaming video file to download with VLC since it was listed with "rtmp" in the Page Source. Here is an example:
sources : [{ file: "rtmp://stream.website.com:1935/redirect/vod/mp4:videos/NewVideos/No Name/Subject with Stuff and Stuff/Layer 1/part1.mp4" }]
I would just open up VLC and use File > Open Network >Network and then copy and paste what ever was in between the (" ") and then I could download the video. So I would just copy and paste this:
rtmp://stream.website.com:1935/redirect/vod/mp4:videos/NewVideos/No Name/Subject with Stuff and Stuff/Layer 1/part1.mp4
And VLC would download the video with no problem.
Now I tried doing this with another website but I noticed they are using flow player. Below is what is found when viewing the Page Source (CTRL + Click > View Page Source):
<script src="flow_player/flowplayer-3.2.13.min.js"></script>
<script src="flow_player/flowplayer.playlist-3.2.11.min.js"></script>
$f('player', 'flow_player/flowplayer-3.2.18.swf', {
key: '#$60d09ad27168d3561eb',
clip: {
urlResolvers: 'bwcheck',
scaling: 'fit',
provider: 'hddn'
playlist: [
bitrates: [
{ url: 'mp4:videos/Videos/No News/Subject with Stuff and Things/Layer 1/part1.mp4', bitrate: 1200, width: 1920, isDefault: true },
title: "Stuff",
plugins: {
hddn: {
url: 'flow_player/flowplayer.rtmp-3.2.13.swf',
netConnectionUrl: "rtmp://teq.website.com:1935/redirect/vod",
controls: {
playlist: true
bwcheck: {
url: 'flow_player/flowplayer.bwcheck-3.2.13.swf',
serverType: 'whoa',
dynamic: false,
netConnectionUrl: "rtmp://teq.website.com:1935/redirect/vod",
I tried using what was found in netConnectionUrl
and the url line in the playlist
(mp4:videos/Videos/No News/Subject with Stuff and Things/Layer 1/part1.mp4)
I tried combining them, since that what was used before, but it does not work now. So any tips on how I can download this with VLC?