hi, is there a way to automate the AdobeHDS php script for Unix?
or via windows bat?
i want to be able to download large chunk of videos really quick with file renaming to the video title name.
i want to download all these videos:
EG Stream:
php AdobeHDS.php --manifest "http://cbtnuggets-vh.akamaihd.net/z/0a/fd/0afd72c9-1799-4947-9c4d-f1381b5013c3/22e310c303daa0ca25f6d529133a484e0f2f6b59_10x_,150k,100k,400k,200k,500k,300k,.mp4.csmil/manifest.f4m?hdnea=st=1438696643~exp=1438703843~acl=/*~hmac=852d809f839f32d042b3d70b7318ace4f862c8e8091d2daecc40c2367457aa1a&g=HOTYACDEBUIS&hdcore=3.3.0&plugin=jwplayer-" --delete --auth "hdntl=exp=1438783224~acl=%2f*~data=hdntl~hmac=acbf29405680ec3aeb3589e069ed174ae6e64930dc4403b1ad80294cc98fda5a&als=0,3,NaN,5,0,NaN,0,0,0,29,f,0,673.98,f,s,HOTYACDEBUIS,3.3.0,29&hdcore=3.3.0&plugin=jwplayer-" --useragent "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.1.0 Waterfox/38.1.0"
File Names like "56b2df53ea7cd3c13c70657b4933abab_4_84e79bca50035c 8f_Seg1-Frag.flv" i wish auto renamed
and instead of using this plugin for firefox here: HDS link Detector:
i want it to be automated in a way as i load the video it starts the download and Auto renames it to the video title.
when i load the next video it does the process all over again for new Vid..
or are there any downloaders that do this? Besides GetFLV it to laggy for me and tends to crash, Unstable