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Old 11-08-2014, 04:37 AM
KingFox KingFox is offline
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Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!

Hello, im trying to access here via streamtransport to download the video but it tells me "Error loading player: could not load player configuration"... How do i fix it? I had that problem again ages ago and it was fixed someday (never noticed how) and now i formatted my PC and is back!! And if is impossible to fix, is there any other program that could download the video? Please help me!! Thanks!
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Old 11-08-2014, 05:24 AM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!


so Streamtransport has some trouble with the flash so that you get on some sites such errors.What you can do is to switch the tool so its always a good idea to have some alternative tools.Or use rtmpdump tool.Just check this out how to use it etc and then you get your video very quick.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "vod/" -y "mp4:/2013-2014/microsites/mourmoura/video/20131007/MOURMOURA_071013_.mp4.mp4" -o "MOURMOURA_071013_.mp4"
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Old 11-08-2014, 07:19 AM
KingFox KingFox is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!

Originally Posted by troller12 View Post

so Streamtransport has some trouble with the flash so that you get on some sites such errors.What you can do is to switch the tool so its always a good idea to have some alternative tools.Or use rtmpdump tool.Just check this out how to use it etc and then you get your video very quick.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "vod/" -y "mp4:/2013-2014/microsites/mourmoura/video/20131007/MOURMOURA_071013_.mp4.mp4" -o "MOURMOURA_071013_.mp4"
Hi, its very complained to use rtmpdump, i tryied everything but fails.. I also get alarms from norton for virus.. Anyways you have something more easy to use program or something?
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Old 11-08-2014, 11:56 AM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!

So if you just want to download this one video for exsample then you can use rtmpdump.Its free and without zip & zap.

If you have already download the package (see into rtmpdump section) then unrar it into any folder.Now start your CMD tool and enter the entire line I did post before and the download starts.If you use XP for exsample then look into your system32 folder there you find the CMD.exe tool and just copy this and put it into your folder where you did unrar rtmpdump and now start the cmd.exe directly from your rtmpdump folder and now enter the same line I did post and then the file will download into same folder.

About rtmpdump tool:
If you get any alert then its a false one.So you know AV also just working with static scan pattern.So I also can create any code where AV will give some alert action. Just disable your AV or put rtmpdump to the accept list if your AV or Malware tool has this feature.If its still to hard for you to handle with rtmpdump then just look for any other tools who using a internet interface / explorer as GetFlv (its not free and I don't know whether you get the entire video with this so I have not checked this tool) etc.

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Old 11-11-2014, 06:58 AM
KingFox KingFox is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!

Originally Posted by troller12 View Post
So if you just want to download this one video for exsample then you can use rtmpdump.Its free and without zip & zap.

If you have already download the package (see into rtmpdump section) then unrar it into any folder.Now start your CMD tool and enter the entire line I did post before and the download starts.If you use XP for exsample then look into your system32 folder there you find the CMD.exe tool and just copy this and put it into your folder where you did unrar rtmpdump and now start the cmd.exe directly from your rtmpdump folder and now enter the same line I did post and then the file will download into same folder.

About rtmpdump tool:
If you get any alert then its a false one.So you know AV also just working with static scan pattern.So I also can create any code where AV will give some alert action. Just disable your AV or put rtmpdump to the accept list if your AV or Malware tool has this feature.If its still to hard for you to handle with rtmpdump then just look for any other tools who using a internet interface / explorer as GetFlv (its not free and I don't know whether you get the entire video with this so I have not checked this tool) etc.

Hmm... and how do i make a line for like that video?

EDIT: YEEEESSSS!!! I DID IT ... THANKS!!! Really thank you, you are best

Last edited by KingFox : 11-11-2014 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 11-11-2014, 08:29 AM
KingFox KingFox is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!

Ok, so seems i have another problem with the downloaded mp4 files... When i open em with VLC, every some seconds it get stuck and displays something like that (if i replay the scene it get stuck on another parts) , i also tryed to convert em to FLV and AVI via Any video converter and freemake video converter programs and the converted files still have problems like on freemake unsynchronized audio/video and on any video converter stuck every some secs and then jump with fast speed some milliseconds later (like "hi, how are you.... dfglsdflgbcv... and you?)".. :/
Also its acctually downloading a 1,32gb file!!

Last edited by KingFox : 11-11-2014 at 12:39 PM.
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Old 11-11-2014, 01:29 PM
troller12 troller12 is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!


just look into page source there you can find the link of the file.Just change the playpath -y "here"

About the video problem.Just check whether the problem is really the video itself and not your player (VLC) you use.If you have some more players (MPC / KMP / POT etc) and check them too with your video or better is to load your video in any editor as VirtualDub (you need extra mp4 / flv plugins or use directshow) and then you can check all frames and then you see whether the video itself is the problem.If you found the problem in the video itself then go to website where you got it and play the video in browser player to same time code and there you can verify whether you get the same problem too or not.If you don't see any problem in the video playing in browser then your video download was not liquid enough (breaks or whatever).Try to download again.

Yes so I am also no fan of converting videos into other formats so there you will get always any trouble with the new created files and you need re-edit to make it fit.If you are looking for any good tools then don't use any commercial monster apps ass "Any video converter" & Co.Watch out for free small size tools if possible.Just have a look around and make a lot tests till you found some good tools.I prefer mostly VirtualDub and AviDemux and Machete (this is not free but its also a very nice and handy tool for quick edits & fixes)

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Old 11-11-2014, 01:54 PM
KingFox KingFox is offline
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Re: Error loading player - streamtransport, please help!!

Originally Posted by troller12 View Post

just look into page source there you can find the link of the file.Just change the playpath -y "here"

About the video problem.Just check whether the problem is really the video itself and not your player (VLC) you use.If you have some more players (MPC / KMP / POT etc) and check them too with your video or better is to load your video in any editor as VirtualDub (you need extra mp4 / flv plugins or use directshow) and then you can check all frames and then you see whether the video itself is the problem.If you found the problem in the video itself then go to website where you got it and play the video in browser player to same time code and there you can verify whether you get the same problem too or not.If you don't see any problem in the video playing in browser then your video download was not liquid enough (breaks or whatever).Try to download again.

Yes so I am also no fan of converting videos into other formats so there you will get always any trouble with the new created files and you need re-edit to make it fit.If you are looking for any good tools then don't use any commercial monster apps ass "Any video converter" & Co.Watch out for free small size tools if possible.Just have a look around and make a lot tests till you found some good tools.I prefer mostly VirtualDub and AviDemux and Machete (this is not free but its also a very nice and handy tool for quick edits & fixes)

Hmm.. the streamtransport was dowloading the video direct on .flv and the size was about 250-300mb.. I think the problem is that the file is huge for some reason.. Probably the player cant load that fast the huge file and get stuck... Also it eats my free space without reason.. stereamtransport downloaded flv has lass size and was exactly the same quality... Is it mabye possible to download direct on .flv as the streamtransport or find a way to fix the "error loading player" problem? :/
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