VLC works fine to save the file.
just go to File->open network. paste in the mms:// url into the url box. tick the streaming/saving box and click settings. tick file, tick dump raw input and click browse for where you want to save it. click ok and click open. It will take a while but it will download the file in its orginal quality.
I would use the extension wmv for the video file.
Space hearing eh?
actually ffmpeg works.
ffmpeg -i "mmsh://a1808.v65778f.c65778.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/1808/65778/v0001/sos1475-1.streamos.download.akamai.com/65782/sst2014/SP091014.wmv" -c copy file.wmv
need to use the prefix mmsh instead of mms