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Old 04-13-2014, 02:55 AM
TheMan TheMan is offline
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Problems downloading a stream.. Help!

I have been trying to download from the WWE Network and i have been successful when using rtmpdumhelper. The problem is, when i use this it auto downloads the 3000k version of the stream, not the 4500k version i know exists. Obviously i would hope to download the better quality stream in this case.

So i look at what rtmpsrv shows when it sees the 3000k stream given i believe from other programs i have used that the filenames for the different streams are virtually identical asidefrom the number. So in theory, replacing the "3000k" with "4500k" may well capture the right stream. I haven't been able to test this theory yet however as when i take the following from rtmpsrv (to test download the 3000k stream prior to altering anything) and create a batch file using the following exactly i get nothing but multiple error messages.

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://
mfv=1.6&aifp=v0004&auth=da.aza2c1cdd_d.bQbudgdzald fcJdVaRdS-btsDar-O-KFrqxlEtEqn
ECo-mgmgj3melimkjdmgjfj6lelbm6m8kbk8m9mfjcm8lj&slist=s ecure/wwe/2014/04/03&ct5=1
2-Apr-14&ct6= t1=wwe&ct3=488575&ct4=ww
e&ct9=e61caa4c02bf4b76900e75f35495f50b" -a "ondemand/?_fcs_vhost=cp271756.edgefc udgdzaldfcJdVaRdS-btsDar-O-KFr
qxlEtEqnECo-mgmgj3melimkjdmgjfj6lelbm6m8kbk8m9mfjcm8lj&slist=s ecure/wwe/2014/04/
03&ct5=12-Apr-14&ct6= t1=wwe&ct3=48857
5&ct4=wwe&ct9=e61caa4c02bf4b76900e75f35495f50b" -f "WIN 12,0,0,77" -W "http://ui" -p "http://netwo" -C B:0 -y "mp4:secure/wwe/2014/04/03/wwe_31790627_30
00K.mp4?aifp=v0004&auth=da.aza2c1cdd_d.bQbudgdzald fcJdVaRdS-btsDar-O-KFrqxlEtEqn
ECo-mgmgj3melimkjdmgjfj6lelbm6m8kbk8m9mfjcm8lj&slist=s ecure/wwe/2014/04/03&ct5=1
2-Apr-14&ct6= t1=wwe&ct3=488575&ct4=ww
e&ct9=e61caa4c02bf4b76900e75f35495f50b" -o wwe_31790627_3000K.flv
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 04-14-2014, 01:00 AM
TheMan TheMan is offline
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Re: Problems downloading a stream.. Help!

I also tried downloading a stream via the m3u8 url..

This is can do just fine using GetFLV, but that program has an issue where any files bigger than 2.5GB just stop, regardless of the program continuing to show progress all the way up to 100%. So i'm severly limited in what i can do with that. I tried the following command in ffmpeg, but this failed to download anything..

ffmpeg -i "" -c copy video.mp4
Here's the error message i received..

[tls @ 03fc8580] Error in the push function.
Unable to open key file
[hls,applehttp @ 03fdd3a0] Error when loading first segment 'http://hlsvod-akc.m
03_3000k.m3u8: Invalid data found when processing input
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Old 04-14-2014, 03:48 PM
drbmn drbmn is offline
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Re: Problems downloading a stream.. Help!

There is no 4500k for OnDemand stuff (yet) i have looked inside their .smil files.
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Old 04-21-2014, 08:12 AM
mosb3rg mosb3rg is offline
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Re: Problems downloading a stream.. Help!

im sorry but there absolutely is. considering getflv already downloads it just doesn't complete it, i tested all versions of a new stuff like royal rumble 2014. and they all offer the 4500k 720p option. but your not addressing the core issue.

The problem is unlike a standard AES 128 protected playlist/ts set this style calls for the opkey every 10 segments, which means we would need the new key for each set of segments to be able to properly decrypt it.

Now besides that i assume there's a master key for there titles, because otherwise how on earth would it be able to use random keys for stuff constantly throughout the entire show every 10 segments on every single title they host on there system.
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Old 07-24-2015, 06:28 PM
BaboonHD BaboonHD is offline
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Re: Problems downloading a stream.. Help!

we have the master key but we don't know how to use it
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