Hi, I have a problem with recording certain streams from naked.com with RTMPDump.
Recording "Chat" streams works fine, but not the "IChat" streams. I have no idea what the difference is, but it seems like the "IChat" streams are corrupted (maybe done on purpose). The "IChat" streams play fine in the browser, but RTMPDump will only record a few seconds. Only sometimes it will record the "IChat" streams correctly right away, but in most cases I have to restart the recording 10, 20, 30 or even 50 times before RTMPDump keeps recording and doesn't stop after 3 seconds or gives a message about the stream being corrupted.
To reproduce the problem. Start RTMPDumpHelper and go to any webcam on naked.com (the main website, not the new one). Open Command.bat with the rtmpdump command. Delete
-C NZ:userStreamName: from the command and add the
-v parameter.
You might have to try this a couple of times until you get a webcam that uses "IChat", because you can't see on the website which webcams use "IChat".
Works fine.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://vid203.naked.com/Chat/candiedoll_20130720_080055" -a "Chat/candiedoll_20130720_080055" -f "WIN 11,8,800,94" -W "http://naked.com/swfs/visitor/Naked_freeChat.swf" -p "http://naked.com/girls/big-tits/webcam/candie-doll/38112?isSimilar=MQ==" -C O:1 -C NS:key3:user -C NN:userId:0.000000 -C NS:key1:guest00000 -C NS:_isBanner:betagammanet -C NB:isFav:0 -C NS:key2:6fb70f3e4bb14a91a5b44c15a3eb632c -C NB:canChat:0 -C NS:_fmsURI_l:rtmp://vid203.naked.com/Chat/candiedoll_20130721_080001 -C NS:chatColor:#871a71 -C NB:inviteFlag:0 -C NB:balance:0 -C NS:userType:publicSubscriber -C NB:isKicked:0 -C NS:fmsSecureKey: -C NS:uniqueId:guest00000 -C NS:userName:guest00000 -C NB:isGuest:1 -C O:0 -y "candiedoll_privateStream_" -v -o "candiedoll_privateStream_.flv"
Doesn't work properly.
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://vid264.naked.com/IChat/milkshake" -a "IChat/milkshake" -f "WIN 11,8,800,94" -W "http://naked.com/swfs/visitor/Naked_freeChat.swf" -p "http://naked.com/girls/big-ass/webcam/milk-shake/16108?isSimilar=MQ==" -C O:1 -C NS:key3:user -C NN:userId:0.000000 -C NS:fmsSecureKey: -C NS:userName:guest00000 -C NS:key2:6b4a837c1b7c3a177ba218b4eaa9f379 -C NB:isFav:0 -C NB:balance:0 -C NS:userType:publicSubscriber -C NB:isGuest:1 -C NS:_fmsURI_l:rtmp://vid264.naked.com/IChat/milkshake -C NB:inviteFlag:0 -C NB:canChat:0 -C NS:uniqueId:guest00000 -C NS:_isBanner:betagammanet -C NB:isKicked:0 -C NS:chatColor:#31532 -C NS:key1:guest00000 -C O:0 -y "milkshake_privateStream" -v -o "milkshake_privateStream.flv"