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Go Back   Audio/video stream recording forums > Media file management > Removing copy-protection (like DRM, AACS)
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View Poll Results: What lossy DRM removal software is the best?
SoundTaxi 12 12.50%
SoundTaxi Professional 12 12.50%
SoundTaxi Pro + VideoRip 9 9.38%
Tunebite Platinum 23 23.96%
Tunebite Premium 9 9.38%
Daniusoft WMA MP3 Converter 3 3.13%
Daniusoft Digital Music Converter 6 6.25%
Daniusoft Digital Media Converter 5 5.21%
NoteBurner 4 4.17%
MuvAudio 2 2.08%
freeTunes 0 0%
Other 11 11.46%
Voters: 96. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-20-2007, 05:08 AM
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Lossy DRM removal software: SoundTaxi, Tunebite, NoteBurner, freeTunes, MuvAudio

What lossy DRM removal software you consider the best? Even if you have tried a single DRM removal tool like Soundtaxi (Platinum, Professional, Pro+VideoRip), Tunebite (Platinum, Premium), Daniusoft Digital Media Converter (WMA MP3 Converter, Digital Music Converter), MuvAudio, Note Burner, 5star freeTunes.

We would like to know your opinion about it. If you are a newbie your opinion is particularly important for us. By sharing your views you help making DRM removal tools better and help other users to choose better software!

The most popular DRM removal software at are Soundtaxi and Tunebite. These DRM removal tools are proven by time and both have versions that can re-record DRM-protected video files as well as audio files.
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Old 03-17-2008, 04:13 AM
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Re: Lossy DRM removal software: SoundTaxi, Tunebite, NoteBurner, freeTunes, MuvAudio

DRM is still a major problem in the online music and video industry. I hate DRM, and I’m sure 99% of the people reading this agree with me - DRM sucks. The only benefit is for the record companies, so that their music cannot be shared on file sharing/BitTorrent websites. It brings the user absolutely no benefits, and many drawbacks - including limiting what you can do with your music/video in almost every way possible. Whether it’s putting the file on your mobile phone, or wanting to use it on more than five computers.
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:35 PM
pgar pgar is offline
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FairUse4wm and lossy DRM removal software

Just a note on FairUse4WM and additional options... it is a solid program that does exactly what it says it does. The major advantage is its speed. I also use Daniusoft's Digital Media Converter Pro and this is an extremely solid tool as well and well worth the $39.95 I paid (the non-Pro version is $34.95) but takes quite a while to complete a single video - it doesn't keep you from continuing to work like some of the Streamers do (Tunebite, Soundtaxi, etc.).

I have also used these Streamers and they are OK as far as stripping and conversion goes but can be a bit touchy at far no issues with FU4WM and DaniuSoft and I have stripped and converted over 20 videos so far with zero errors and very clean results when played from my iPod to my TV.

Well that's all I've got. Good luck and I hope your frustrations are at least somewhat minimized by this information.
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Old 10-16-2011, 11:17 PM
Scott6 Scott6 is offline
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Re: Lossy DRM removal software: SoundTaxi, Tunebite, NoteBurner, freeTunes, MuvAudio

So I have played with a few..

Aimersoft DRM Media converter (Daniusoft Digital Media Converter) seems very good. In my initial tests, I was surprised to find that wen I tell it convert my 192WMA files form Zune to 192WMA(9) the files sizes were mostly exact when done, only a few were off by .01mb. I could not tell the difference in quality over my ATH-AD900 cans. both on amp, and off the sound card (crudy x-Fi with oAmp upgrades, cap upgrades and some shielding.) It was slow.... but I was able to leave it in the background while doing other stuff, and it did not effect the encoding quality. I noticed it looses the sound track number on the tag. but its in the filename so who cares.. This doesnt matter to me anyway, my ditgial playback devices dont care when im on shuffle.

Audials 8 (Tunebite), I did not like for every major reason. Interface was horrid. The multiple sound card thing got the job done faster, but if I was doing anything else on the PC, the songs would get pops and skips in them (NOT GOOD!) Yea it was fast as hell. But who cares about speed when quality is sacrificed. (just like encoding video with cuda... blaaa) It did keep all the tag info 100%.

BTW: I gave up on lossless audio a long time ago, its to much of a pain to deal with getting. And CDs are too expensive. East to get WMA192 is my file of choice.
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Old 10-11-2011, 07:02 PM
drfsupercenter drfsupercenter is offline
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Re: Lossy DRM removal software: SoundTaxi, Tunebite, NoteBurner, freeTunes, MuvAudio

If you're just doing music, I recommend SoundTaxi. Yes, it's lossy, but if you can't decrypt it, then it actually works pretty well, I used to use that program way back before I discovered lossless ways of doing it. (You could convert it to a much higher bitrate, like 320kbps mp3, and essentially not lose any quality)
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