Hey, guys, another quick question. This may be a little off topic, but please stick with me. Does anyone know how to access previous versions of a webpage that had content on it, but was deleted?
Let me explain: Nickelodeon uploads full episodes of their show, "Robot And Monster", to their website after the episodes first air. But they only have a certain number of episodes up at a time, and older ones are taken down when newer ones replace them.
An example of a webpage that currently has a full episode is:
And an example of a webpage that had an older episode, but was taken down, is:
Once episodes are taken off the website, they still exist on Nickelodeon's video server, so I have managed to find almost all of the episodes that were taken off the site by searching the server. There was only one episode I was not able to find. I'm not sure whether or not the episode was uploaded in the first place, but that is what I want to find out.
So what I am asking is, is there any possible way to take one of the URLs of episode pages that are expired, and see what content it had at a previous time? If I could do this, I would be able to tell whether this episode was ever uploaded to the site.
I have already tried using the WayBack Machine, but it didn't help, I was wondering if there was a more clever way of doing this. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you guys so much!