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Old 10-23-2012, 12:47 AM
fdgjdhfkg fdgjdhfkg is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 3
fdgjdhfkg is on a distinguished road

the fire that now in the trashcan.

Leaving her with the task of putting out the fire that now in the trashcan.

Surprise, Hanna goes to visit Mona anyway! Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 13 Even bigger surprise, Mona looks absolutely fine. She?s reading a magazine with some crazy friends in her cell. When she and Hanna go for a walk, she claims a new medication fixed all of her issues. She talks to Hanna like she didn?t run her over with a car. Hanna wore her blazer to seem like a scary business woman. It?s clear that she?s not there for small-talk, and that she wants information on the new A. Mona says she?s forgiven herself. Mona?s attitude changes.
Mona: ?I?m not going to forget any of you. Did they ever find what?s left of Alison??
Speaking of the car accident, when Hanna goes to leave, and bumps into Caleb, she lets it slip that Mona tried to run her over, and he is infuriated. One more surprise, Lucas strolls out after visiting ?Madhouse? Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 13 Mona. When Hanna confronts him, he claims to have only been trying to figure out if she?s really crazy. He calls Hanna ?stupid? for not thinking of that, and warns her to remember that Mona will do anything to stay out of jail.
Next, Spencer has her ?clever moment of the week? when she poses as Melissa, and exposes that she wasn?t ever checked into that hospital in Washington. She actually stayed at her resort a few extra days. Double whammy, Spencer?s mom joined her! When Spencer confronts her mother about this, she claims that she didn?t know Melissa hadn?t been pregnant for a while before going there. She only found out then, although she was curious. Also, on Garrett:
In the most exciting moment of the episode, Hanna and Aria trail Jenna using the information Aria found in her flute case. Jenna has been visiting a doctor, and they catch her driving the blue car without her glasses! Honestly, Jenna moves so quickly from the doctor?s office to her car that it seems like something?s is up. Is there a Jenna twin, or was that just strange editing? It?s the car Emily remembers from her blackout. Spencer and Emily meet up with them, and they catch Jenna checking out a gun store. Hanna has had enough! In my favorite moment of the episode, Hanna charges in front of Jenna?s car. Hanna: ?Wow, Jenna! What a sight for sore eyes!?
That felt really good to watch. The four girls want answers. According to Jenna, she?s pretty terrified. She felt safer playing blind because people are careless when attacking the blind. She?s still shaken up about the fire incident, where she was almost murdered, or so she claims. She makes it seem as though she too is being stalked. With regards to the ?wasted drunk Emily? incident, Jenna claims she was honestly just driving late at night, and that she bumped into Emily acting sloppy in the middle of the street. She felt bad, and Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 13 picked her up to help her out, that is until Emily freaked and escaped her around midnight. Her story sort of checks out. Do they trust Jenna? Back at the mental hospital, Caleb is confronting Mona. He warns her not to bother Hanna. Caleb: ?Well, here?s the real joke. I get to walk out of that door, but you aren?t going anywhere.?Mona then throws a massive tantrum. Is Mona playing crazy? The final scene of the episode where Mona is Pretty Little Liars Season 3 Episode 13 singing a creepy lullaby to herself while palming the Queen of Hearts says otherwise, but who knows. Maybe she?s a method actor. Maybe the actress just wants a record deal. Oh, and A was busy making another tooth necklace. He/ she keeps his/ her booze in the same ice cooler as he/ she keeps his/ her bodies!

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