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Old 08-22-2012, 02:34 AM
wer783 wer783 is offline
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trying to download a ts packet using command line

I would like to capture a TS packet using a command line method so that I can automate downloading the entire stream.

Here's an example packet from It is a 5-second transport stream packet.

I can open this link in VLC player and it will play or let me save it to disk. I can also open it in a web browser and save it to disk. I cannot figure out any way to do it using command line. I tried to do it with VLC's command line options but it says it cannot be opened.

Can anyone give me an example command line string, using any program, to do this?

Last edited by wer783 : 08-22-2012 at 10:25 PM.
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Old 08-22-2012, 02:42 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

I've found no easy way to do this yet, but I haven't had a lot of time to put into it. As for getting all the 5-second file segments, a really easy way to do it is with Streaming Video Recorder (apowersoft), but it can't join the files. I've explained this challenge to their support and they say they're working on it and it will be in the next version.

VLC can play the entire folder of these crystal clear files, but there's a short pause at the end of each segment before the following one plays. Perhaps VLC has a way of exporting the playing of this sequential playlist to a file(?).
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Old 08-22-2012, 04:01 PM
chap chap is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

VLC can play the entire folder of these crystal clear files, but there's a short pause at the end of each segment before the following one plays. Perhaps VLC has a way of exporting the playing of this sequential playlist to a file(?).
simple use ffplay(ffmpeg)
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Old 08-22-2012, 06:38 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

Originally Posted by chap View Post
Originally Posted by nwtim View Post
VLC can play the entire folder of these crystal clear files, but there's a short pause at the end of each segment before the following one plays. Perhaps VLC has a way of exporting the playing of this sequential playlist to a file(?).
simple use ffplay(ffmpeg)
Please explain. Can ffmpeg/ffplay join all these files into one? What switches would I use?
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Old 08-22-2012, 06:53 PM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

Originally Posted by nwtim View Post
Please explain. Can ffmpeg/ffplay join all these files into one? What switches would I use?
I see something about concatenating multiple files into one in para. 3.14.2 on this page. I can't imagine having to join thousands of files using this method - yikes! There must be an easier way.

BTW, if I use ffmpeg to capture the file, is there a simple way to record a 4 hour video in 30 minute segments?
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Old 08-22-2012, 10:23 PM
wer783 wer783 is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

Originally Posted by nwtim View Post
Please explain. Can ffmpeg/ffplay join all these files into one? What switches would I use?
The method in the thread above doesn't involve concatenating files. First, do this (copied from MrPaul's post in that thread):

•Start Firefox
•Open web console (CTRL-SHIFT-K)
•Optional - Unselect CSS, JS, & Logging on the menu bar
•Type in "m3u8" in the filter on top right
•Start the video you want to see
•Click the gear icon on bottom right of video and select the quality you want (typically 1080) and you'll see a new m3u8 file appear
•Use this URL for the "-i" option of ffmpeg

The m3u8 file is a playlist that contains all those small files. Next, what you do is run this command, where URL is the m3u8 playlist file and output.ts is the name of the output video file:

ffmpeg.exe -i URL -c copy output.ts
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Old 08-23-2012, 01:47 AM
nwtim nwtim is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

Originally Posted by wer783 View Post
The method in the thread above doesn't involve concatenating files. First, do this (copied from MrPaul's post in that thread):

•Start Firefox
•Open web console (CTRL-SHIFT-K)
•Optional - Unselect CSS, JS, & Logging on the menu bar
•Type in "m3u8" in the filter on top right
•Start the video you want to see
•Click the gear icon on bottom right of video and select the quality you want (typically 1080) and you'll see a new m3u8 file appear
•Use this URL for the "-i" option of ffmpeg

The m3u8 file is a playlist that contains all those small files. Next, what you do is run this command, where URL is the m3u8 playlist file and output.ts is the name of the output video file:

ffmpeg.exe -i URL -c copy output.ts
That's what I'm doing. I was just hoping there was a way to avoid the time involved in getting all that video all over again. Oh well, I guess I'll just batch record them over the next few nights. I wonder how long the NBCOlympics site will continue to host those videos?
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Old 08-22-2012, 04:14 PM
wer783 wer783 is offline
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Re: trying to download a ts packet using command line

Thanks for the information on Streaming Video Recorder. I tried it out and was able to get it to give me a bunch of pieces. The only problem is that it just grabs what is currently playing and so there's not any way to automate the process. So it's not any better than using ffmpeg to capture the stream by reading the m3u8 playlist file described in the big thread. But I like that program because I have been using GetFlv for a long time and thought it was the only game in town. It looks like this program will do similar things.

By the way, anyone reading this who just wants an easy way to capture videos from should see this thread:

It's explained very well there and is easy to do. The only reason I'm trying to directly download each 5-second segment is that the connections will usually timeout before I can download an entire video. It usually takes a lot of tries to get the full video. Some of the longer ones, like the ones that are 7 hours long, I've been uanble to get.

I've tried to use wget and VLC command line and they don't work, but it's really easy to download these segments if you just paste the link in VLC player or a web browser. But this would take forever and wouldn't be practical. deadmund seemed to have figured out how to download individual packets this with VLC player from a script, but has still not come back to explain. It seems like there should be some way to do this, given that it's so easy to do with a GUI.
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