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Old 02-23-2012, 06:10 PM
YoMoma YoMoma is offline
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Video Streaming While Outdoors

Hello all, got a question. I`d like to be able to stream video to the web to site such as UStream. I`m kinda a fishing fanatic and would like to figure a way to stream my fishing from a boat to said website.
I will be taking a week long fishing trip with a few buddy`s in mid May, and would like to stream a bit so friends and family or whoever could watch at their convinence. I dont plan on streaming for longer than a few hours at a time.
OK, when it comes to equipment, it may seem out of the ordinary. I plan on using my new IPhone to be a wifi hotspot. I will be out in the countryside and at least 15 miles from any town, just relying on my 3G phone for the bitrate.
If anyone can shed any light on how easy or hard this may be, I`d like to hear it.
I have a IPhone 4s and an IPAD 2 at my disposal. Even though I doubt I wil take my IPAD out in the boat. Dont want it to get wet.
I`m thinking of rigging up a mount for my IPhone to set it above the boat a few feet so as to see all action that goes on.
One important question here. Can I use my Iphone as a wifi hotspot & stream video on UStream at the same time with the IPhone? Not sure how I like that idea as I wouldnt be able to answer,text or do phone calls in the middle of my stream.
Possibly I could stream video at the cabin when we werent fishing.
NO wifi at the cabin.
No others in my party will have a phone capable of producing a wifi signal for the week im gone.
My IPAd and my IPhone are new aquires so I havent had a chance to test any of these ideas out yet.
Do you think, given the hardware, that I will able to stream a decent video from the countryside to the website UStream?

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Old 02-24-2012, 02:17 AM
skwlsout skwlsout is offline
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Re: Video Streaming While Outdoors

Will be dependent on the strength of the 3g signal, and whether the ustream app is intelligent enough to send adaptive video from your phone(i.e. does it downgrade/upgrade the video quality automatically depending on the signal strength)

As long as the iphone is getting it's web connection from the 3g and not another wifi point, then as they will be using different internal antenna's there should be no problem tethering other devices to the iphone, (assuming your phone network provider allows tethering)
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