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Old 08-01-2011, 02:04 AM
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How to download unprotected audio books (like MP3) from Audible

I'm using Ubuntu Linux and would like to download unprotected audio books (like MP3) from Audible.

I have found the following way of downloading .AA files on ubuntuforums, but the problem is that it doesn't allows to download unprotected audiobooks from Audible

Originally Posted by davegregg View Post
This should work with all browsers and operating systems.

Here's how to download an Audible file you've already purchased without Audible Manager:

1) Download the helper file. This is the file that is downloaded when you click the "Download" button in "My Library". The file name of that file will be "admhelper". Open it in a simple text editor, like gedit or Notepad. The contents will look like this:

2) Go to the actual bookstore page for the exact book you are trying to download. Look at the URL:

3) You now have the information you need. Specifically, you need the username you log in with (probably your email address), the Product ID, that ASIN (which is like an ISBN) from the bookstore page, and your Order Number. Now plug the above information EXACTLY into the correct places in the URL below:

IMPORTANT!! Check your final URL thoroughly for random spaces. For some reason, the forums occasionally insert stray spaces where they shouldn't be. Your final download URL should not contain any spaces.

4) Once you have your new download link, make sure you are logged in to and paste your download link into your browser's address bar and go! The download should commence immediately.

NOTE: This does not remove the DRM protection.
Originally Posted by davegregg View Post
Here's a quick Excel function I've created to partially automate the creation of the working download link. I realize this may not be that helpful to many of you (because you are looking for a Linux-only solution), but I don't have the time to work out a perl script, or HTML file with javascript, or something, to do this.

1) Drop the contents of the file "admhelper" into cell A1 of a new spreadsheet.
2) Drop the bookstore page link to the actual book you are trying to download into cell A2.
3) Paste the following function into cell A3:
4) Be sure you are logged in to, then click the new link in cell A3 or copy its new contents into your browser. The download should begin immediately.

Is there any chance to download DRM-free audio books from Audible? I'm completely lost with their awful interface and format specifications like Format #4, Format #2.
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