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Old 04-15-2010, 04:25 AM
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How to transfer music and videos onto Modorola Droid using Motorola Media Link

Motorola Media Link is a freeware application that connects your mobile phone with any PC and the Web so you can manage, secure, share and explore content from the desktop.

Motorola Media Link enhances your Motorola Droid phone by making it easier to move and manipulate pictures, videos, music, and more. It allows to transfer files such as photos and videos and organize them into albums; easily sync playlists and music from iTunes and Windows Media Player.

How to transfer music and videos onto Modorola Droid using Motorola Media Link
  1. Mount your Motorla Droid phone Micro SD card:
    To mount your Micro SD card:
    1. Ensure your phone screen is unlocked and the Micro SD card is inserted.
    2. Connect the USB cable to your desktop and your phone.
    3. Your phone will “beep”.
    4. The USB icon will appear in the notification bar at the top of your phone screen. In addition, a “USB connected” dialogue will appear for a short time.
    5. Tap the USB Drive option
    6. If you miss the message, tap and pull down the notification bar at the top of the screen and tap the “Ongoing” part of the screen and the “USB connected” dialogue from there.
  2. Connect Motorla Droid phone to your computer.
  3. Motorola Media Link allows to link to iTunes or Windows Media Player. This allows to automatically locate music and video files from iTunes or Windows Media Player.
  4. Setup your music library via the “SETTINGS” tab then select “Music” to configure your music source.

  5. Select the files you want to transfer, hold and drag over phone icon, then transfer iTunes to Droid Milestone done.
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