Hello To all
Can somone Please tell me what it is with iTunes? It seems if I don’t Download and run Quicktime iTunes will not "Open" these are the Errors:
This application has Failed to open WebKit.dll was not found reinstall iTunes”
iTunes was not Installed Correctly. (Error 7 Windows error 126)”
I hate QuickTime

It's a bag of bricks" I did a clean Uninstall/ and Re Installed 'Quick Time Alternative' which is what I had until 3 days ago. Now iTunes will not “Open' I am happy to use MediaMonkey, KMPlayer and VLC” WMP Plays my 'Music' and 'Saved Video' but it won’t Capture or Play Streams? How do I Fix iTunes? I have only kept it because I thought you had to have the Quicktime Codec’s to Stream, Capture and Save/ Video, TV Show’s, Music EBooks Etc. any suggestions Please, Thanks In Anticiption.

My Computer is for “Home Use” and my hobby! It Is: a 2003 - Dell Desk Top with LCD 20" Screen, Intel Pentium 4 CPU, 2.80 Gig (75 % ) Un - used + 512 Meg Ram with Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller’ and Running MS Windows Pro XP P3 & MS Office 2007 (Non Commercial)! and MS Wireless Keyboard and Mouse. I am connected to Internode ADSL- 512- 246 5 Gig Internode B/Band “Uniden Dig 5.8GHz Cordless Phone (2) Handsets and Base (connected into the Linksys 3102 and ADSL Internode next to the Desktop) and to ‘MyNetFone VoiP’ Via a “Linksys 3102 Gateway ATA Voip Router” and a [Nov-2009 D-Link 502 T ] Modem!
I Run Zone Alarm Firewall, Spy Bot and Webroot Spysweeper + Malewarebytes, CCleaner & Win Defender Eusing Reg cleaner and Defraggler all get a “Walk” at least once every fortnight // A chckdisc was run on the 22 /06 / 2010 all was well.