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Old 09-04-2014, 11:10 AM
archangelic archangelic is offline
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Web Tv Link


after 3 days searching and pulling my eyes out , reading almost everything , i desited to register on your forum and ask for some enlightment .

There is a web tv that i've found and i would like to use , but it's full of spam msgs and i wanted to create an html with the cartoon channels for the kids to be easy for the to use . The html I don't want it to be published it's just going to be local on my computer with those links in there nothing more nothing less .

The page is providing an embed code but it's with a 30 sec delay and is busting my head because the little ones scream when it's gonna start over and over for 30 sec and more till loads ....

Is there anyway that i can found the hidden link behind the broadcast so i can use it ?

Please do no tell me about rtmp cause i've try that and can't seem to synch or make it play . The url snooper is giving me some w/e results and defenatly can't use the rtmpbump ....

Could someone help me and maybe learn how to do this by my self ?

That is the embed code the page provides :

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

That is the page link :

Thank you on advance for any replys or none
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Old 09-05-2014, 07:34 AM
peterpan peterpan is offline
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Re: Web Tv Link

To Record:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "edge/_definst_/?xs=_we_cTJoczVmcW04YjAzOXkwfDE0MDk5NTk0MDV8MTA0LjM0LjM2LjIzOXw1NDA5Yjk0ZGRmZDI1fGQ5NjY1ZGQ0ZjFmOTU3YTBmOWNmZTQ5MmNkOTdlMjQ2ODQwMTZkMWE." -f "WIN 13,0,0,214" -W "" -p "" -y "q2hs5fqm8b039y0" -o "2014-09-05_06-24-16_q2hs5fqm8b039y0.flv" -T "V3f0b3ee77d2ac407970b396a2b78174"
To Play:
rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "edge/_definst_/?xs=_we_cTJoczVmcW04YjAzOXkwfDE0MDk5NTk0MDV8MTA0LjM0LjM2LjIzOXw1NDA5Yjk0ZGRmZDI1fGQ5NjY1ZGQ0ZjFmOTU3YTBmOWNmZTQ5MmNkOTdlMjQ2ODQwMTZkMWE." -f "WIN 13,0,0,214" -W "" -p "" -y "q2hs5fqm8b039y0"  -T "V3f0b3ee77d2ac407970b396a2b78174" | "C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"  -

Here's a good read about ilive:


P.S. To do this yourself, you should read-up on, then download, and install the latest version of rtmpdump and rtmpdumpHelper, as it will automatically spit-out for you all the relevant stream info, well almost all, in this case, you can sniff out the token using wireshark or any other free rtmp sniffer out there...Cheers!
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Old 09-07-2014, 02:10 PM
archangelic archangelic is offline
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Re: Web Tv Link

for some reason the bat file ain't doing what it supposed to do .

If I may I would like to ask something else . There are many developers in here that they know their stuff why doesn't anyone create a programm that will do all this work for stupid people like me ?

What i mean is to create a program that you will input the page url where you wonna see the live feed and the program will analyse the page decode/code that require rtmp and put it in a player that will all ready have in and play the stream ?

Sure is not easy but for people who know is like connecting the dots and put them inside a single basket . At least i think that it is but I have all ready claimed I am stupid .

Oh and if ever anyone does this could he/she please put a save channel so we could create a list with them and not doing the prosses all over again every day :P . (Yeah i know I do ask a lot for a freebe user but noone said that it should be a freebe . Just put a logical price to it . No 100 dollars ain't logical price :P .)

Thank you again
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